CANopen Emergency Messages and Error Codes

Emergency messages are triggered by internal equipment errors. They have a high ID-priority to ensure quick access to the bus. An emergency message contains an error field with pre-defined error/fault numbers (2 bytes), an error register (1byte), the error category (1 byte), and additional information. Error numbers 0000h to 7FFFh are defined in the communication or drive profile. Error numbers FF00h to FFFFh have manufacturer-specific definitions.

Starting with firmware version 1-18-03-000 the keyword CANOPEN.ADDMANUEMCYCODE can be set to 1 to enable adding manufacturer specific information to the additional information field. When enabled, the additional information will contain the warning or fault number as ASCII characters.

Error Code



0x0000 0 Emergency error free.
0x1080 - General Warning.
0x1081 - General Error.
0x3110 F523 DC Bus link over voltage FPGA.
0x3120 F247 DC Bus link voltage exceed allowed thresholds.
0x3130 F503 DC Bus link capacitor overload.
0x3180 n503 Warning: DC Bus link capacitor overload.
0x3210 F501 DC Bus link over-voltage.
0x3220 F502 DC Bus Link under-voltage.
0x3280 n502 Warning: DC Bus Link under-voltage.
0x3281 n521 Warning: Dynamic Braking I²T.
0x3282 F519 Regen short circuit.
0x3283 n501 Warning: DC Bus link over-voltage.
0x4210 F234 Excessive temperature, device (control board).
0x4310 F235 Excessive temperature, drive (heat sink).
0x4380 F236 Power temperature sensor 2 high.
0x4381 F237 Power temperature sensor 3 high.
0x4382 F535 Power board overtemperature.
0x4390 n234 Warning: Control temperature sensor 1 high.
0x4391 n235 Warning: Power temperature sensor 1 high.
0x4392 n236 Warning: Power temperature sensor 2 high.
0x4393 n237 Warning: Power temperature sensor 3 high.
0x4394 n240 Warning: Control temperature sensor 1 low.
0x4395 n241 Warning: Power temperature sensor 1 low.
0x4396 n242 Warning: Power temperature sensor 2 low.
0x4397 n243 Warning: Control temperature sensor 1 low.
0x4398 F240 Control temperature sensor 1 low.
0x4399 F241 Power temperature sensor 1 low.
0x439A F242 Power temperature sensor 2 low.
0x439B F243 Power temperature sensor 3 low.
0x43A1 n258 Warning: Fan not spinning.
0x5113 F512 5V0 under voltage.
0x5114 F505 1V2 under voltage.
0x5115 F507 2V5 under voltage.
0x5116 F509 3V3 under voltage.
0x5117 F514 +12V0 under voltage.
0x5118 F516 -12V0 under voltage.
0x5119 F518 Analog 3V3 under voltage.
0x5180 F504 1V2 over voltage.
0x5181 F506 2V5 over voltage.
0x5182 F508 3V3 over voltage.
0x5183 F510 5V0 over voltage.
0x5184 F513 +12V0 over voltage.
0x5185 F515 -12V0 over voltage.
0x5186 F517 Analog 3V3 over voltage.
0x5530 F105 Hardware memory, non-volatile memory stamp invalid.
0x5580 F106 Hardware memory, non-volatile memory data.
0x5589 F124 Cogging compensation non volatile memory data error (CRC).
0x5590 F204 Control board EEPROM read failed.
0x5591 F205 Control board EEPROM corrupted serial num stamp.
0x5592 F206 Control board EEPROM corrupted serial num data.
0x5593 F207 Control board EEPROM corrupted parameter stamp.
0x5594 F208 Control board EEPROM corrupted parameter data.
0x5595 F219 Control board EEPROM write failed.
0x55A0 F209 Power board EEPROM read failed.
0x55A1 F210 Power board EEPROM corrupted serial num stamp.
0x55A2 F212 Power board EEPROM corrupted serial num data.
0x55A3 F213 Power board EEPROM corrupted parameter stamp.
0x55A4 F214 Power board EEPROM corrupted parameter data.
0x55A5 F230 Power board EEPROM write failed.
0x55A6 F232 Power board EEPROM invalid data.
0x55B0 F248 Option board EEPROM corrupted.
0x55B1 F249 Option board upstream checksum.
0x55B2 F250 Option board upstream checksum.
0x55B3 F251 Option board watchdog.
0x55B8 F252 Firmware and option board FPGA types are not compatible.
0x55B9 F253 Firmware and option board FPGA versions are not compatible.
0x55C0 F621 Control Board CRC fault.
0x55C1 F623 Power Board CRC fault.
0x55C2 F624 Power Board Watchdog fault.
0x55C3 F625 Power Board Communication fault.
0x55C4 F626 Power Board FPGA not configured.
0x55C5 F627 Control Board Watchdog fault.
0x55C6 n103 Warning: Resident FPGA .
0x55C7 n104 Warning: Operational FPGA .
0x6080 F631 Issue command timed out
0x6380 F532 Drive motor parameters setup incomplete.
0x6381 F120 Failed to set default parameters.
0x7180 F301 Motor overheat.
0x7182 F305 Motor Brake open circuit.
0x7183 F306 Motor Brake short circuit.
0x7184 F307 Motor Brake applied during enable state.
0x7185 F436 EnDAT overheated.
0x7186 n301 Warning: Motor overheated.
0x7187 F308 Voltage exceeds motor rating.
0x7188 F560 Regen near capacity, could not prevent over voltage.
0x7189 F312 Brake released when it should be applied.
0x7305 F417 Broken wire in primary feedback.
0x7380 F402 Feedback 1 Analog signal amplitudefault.
0x7381 F403 Feedback 1 EnDat communication fault.
0x7382 F404 Feedback 1 illegal hall state.
0x7383 F405 Feedback 1 BiSS watchdog.
0x7384 F406 Feedback 1 BiSS multi cycle.
0x7385 F407 Feedback 1 BiSS sensor.
0x7386 F408 Feedback 1 SFD configuration.
0x7387 F409 Feedback 1 SFD UART overrun.
0x7388 F410 Feedback 1 SFD UART frame.
0x7389 F412 Feedback 1 SFD UART parity.
0x738A F413 Feedback 1  SFD transfer timeout.
0x738C F415 Feedback 1 SFD mult. corrupt position.
0x738D F416 Feedback 1 SFD Transfer incomplete.
0x738E F418 Feedback 1 power supply fault.
0x738F F401 Feedback 1 failed to set feedback.
0x7390 n414 Warning: SFD single corrupted position.
0x7391 F419 Encoder init procedure failed.
0x7392 F534 Failed to read motor parameters from feedback device.
0x7393 F421 SFD position sensor fault.
0x7394 F463 Tamagawa encoder: overheat.
0x7395 n451 Warning: Tamagawa encoder battery.
0x7396 n423 Warning: Non volatile memory error, multiturn overflow.
0x7397 F471 Operation in Position Mode with Halls Only feedback not allowed
0x7398 F135 Homing is needed.
0x7399 F468 FB2.Source not set.
0x739A F469 FB1.ENCRES is not power of two.
0x739B F423 Non volatile memory error, multiturn overflow.
0x739C F467 Hiperface DSL fault.
0x739D F452 Multiturn overflow not supported with this feedback.
0x739E F465 Excessive shock detected by feedback device.
0x73A0 F453 Tamagawa encoder: communication timeout.
0x73A1 F454 Tamagawa encoder: communication transfer incomplete.
0x73A2 F456 Tamagawa encoder: communication CRC.
0x73A3 F457 Tamagawa encoder: communication start timeout.
0x73A4 F458 Tamagawa encoder: communication UART overrun.
0x73A5 F459 Tamagawa encoder: communication UART framing.
0x73A6 F460 Tamagawa encoder: over speed.
0x73A7 F461 Tamagawa encoder: contouring error.
0x73A8 F462 Tamagawa encoder: counting overflow.
0x73A9 F464 Tamagawa encoder: multiturn error.
0x73AA F451 Tamagawa encoder: battery.
0x73B0 F486 Motor velocity exceeds emulated encoder maximum speed.
0x73B8 F420 FB3 EnDat communication fault.
0x73C0 F473 Wake and Shake. Insufficient movement.
0x73C1 F475 Wake and Shake. Excessive movement.
0x73C2 F476 Wake and Shake. Fine-coarse delta too large.
0x73C3 F478 Wake and Shake. Overspeed.
0x73C4 F479 Wake and Shake. Loop angle delta too large.
0x73C5 F482 Commutation not initialized.
0x73C6 F483 Motor U phase missing.
0x73C7 F484 Motor V phase missing.
0x73C8 F485 Motor W phase missing.
0x73C9 n478 Warning: Wake and Shake. Overspeed.
0x73D0 F487 Wake and Shake. Validating positive movement failed.
0x73D1 F489 Wake and Shake. Validating negative movement failed.
0x73D2 F490 Wake and Shake. Validating commutation angle time out.
0x73D3 F491 Wake and Shake. Validating commutation angle moved too far.
0x73D4 F492 Wake and Shake. Validating commutation angle required more than MOTOR.ICONT.
0x73D5 F493 Invalid commutation detected, motor accelerates in wrong direction.
0x8130 F129 Life Guard Error or Heartbeat Error.
0x8180 n702 Warning: Fieldbus communication lost.
0x8280 n601 Warning: Modbus data rate is too high.
0x8311 F304 Motor foldback.
0x8331 F524 Drive foldback.
0x8380 n524 Warning: Drive foldback.
0x8381 n304 Warning: Motor foldback.
0x8382 n309 Warning: Motor I²t load.
0x8383 n580 Warning: Using derivate of position when using sensorless feedback type in position mode.
0x8384 n581 Warning: Zero velocity when using induction sensorless feedback type in position mode.
0x8385 n495 Warning: Failed to process recorder cogging compensation table.
0x8480 F302 Over speed.
0x8481 F703 Emergency timeout occurred while axis should disable.
0x8482 F480 Fieldbus command velocity too high.
0x8483 F481 Fieldbus command velocity too low.
0x8582 n107 Warning: Positive software position limit is exceeded.
0x8583 n108 Warning: Negative software position limit is exceeded.
0x8611 F439 Following error (user).
0x8685 F138 Instability during autotune.
0x8686 n151 Warning: Not enough distance to move; Motion Exception.
0x8687 n152 Warning: Not enough distance to move; Following Motion Exception.
0x8688 n153 Warning: Velocity Limit Violation, Exceeding Max Limit.
0x8689 n154 Warning: Following Motion Failed; Check Motion Parameters.
0x868A n156 Warning: Target Position crossed due to Stop command.
0x86A0 n157 Warning: Homing Index pulse not found.
0x86A1 n158 Warning: Homing Reference Switch not found.
0x86A2 n159 Warning: Failed to set motion task parameters.
0x86A3 n160 Warning: Motion Task Activation Failed.
0x86A4 n161 Warning: Homing Procedure Failed.
0x86A5 F139 Target Position Over Short due to invalid Motion task activation.
0x86A6 n163 Warning: MT.NUM exceeds limit.
0x86A7 n164 Warning: Motion task is not initialized.
0x86A8 n165 Warning: Motion task target position is out.
0x86A9 n167 Warning: Software limit switch traversed.
0x86AA n168 Warning: Invalid bit combination in the motion task control word.
0x86AB n169 Warning: 1:1 profile cannot be triggered on the fly.
0x86AC n170 Warning: Customer profile table is not initialized.
0x86AD n171 Warning: Motion task activation is currently pending
0x86AE n135 Warning: Homing is needed.
0x86AF n174 Warning: Homing maximum distance exceeded
0x86B0 F438 Following error (numeric).
0x86B6 n179 Teaching of Cogging compensation stopped before finishing
0x86B7 n180 Cogging compensation not active. Axis needs to be homed first.
0x8780 F125 Fieldbus synchronization lost.
0x8781 n125 Warning: Fieldbus synchronization lost.
0x8AF0 n137 Warning: Homing and feedback mismatch.
0xFF00 F701 Fieldbus runtime.
0xFF01 F702 Fieldbus communication lost.
0xFF02 F529 Iu current offset limit exceeded.
0xFF03 F530 Iv current offset limit exceeded.
0xFF04 F521 Regen over power.
0xFF07 F525 Output over current.
0xFF08 F526 Current sensor short circuit.
0xFF09 F128 MPOLES/FPOLES not an integer.
0xFF0A F531 Power stage fault.
0xFF0B F602 Safe torque off.
0xFF0C F131 Secondary feedback A/B line break.
0xFF0D F130 Secondary feedback supply over current.
0xFF0E F134 Secondary feedback illegal state.
0xFF0F F245 External fault.
0xFF10 F136 Firmware and FPGA versions are not compatible.
0xFF11 F101 Firmware type mismatch.
0xFF12 n439 Warning: Following error (user).
0xFF13 n438 Warning: Following error (numeric).
0xFF14 n102 Warning: Operational FPGA is not a default FPGA.
0xFF15 n101 Warning: The FPGA is a laboratory FPGA.
0xFF16 n602 Warning: Safe torque off.
0xFF17 F132 Secondary feedback Z line break.
0xFF18 n603 Warning: OPMODE incompatible with CMDSOURCE.
0xFF19 n604 Warning: EMUEMODE incompatible with DRV.HANDWHEELSRC.