Coordinated Motion - 2-Axis Template

This project controls two axes in coordinated motion (PLCOpenAxis1 and PLCOpenAxis2).


The programClosed The act of performing a sequence of instructions or commands. is a Sequential Function Chart (SFCClosed Sequential function chart - It can be used to program processes that can be split into steps. The main components of SFC are: - Steps with associated actions. - Transitions with associated logic conditions. - Directed links between steps and transitions.) containing both Structured Text (STClosed Structured text - A high-level language that is block structured and syntactically resembles Pascal.) and Free Form Ladder Diagram (FFLD) code.

Motion Procedure

  1. Download and start the application.
  2. Press the EnableClosed Enable signal for the drive, Hardware-Enable with 24V signal to X8, Software-Enable command by setup Software, fieldbus or permanently set. Both are required for enabling the drive. button to enable the axes and the axes group.
  3. Optional: Press the HomeClosed The homing procedure allows, based on a position measurement, to set a position offset to the motor to ensure it is physically at the home position. button to move the axes to their zero positionClosed Position means a point in space which is described by different coordinates. Depending on the used system and transformation it can consist of a maximum of six dimensions (coordinates).This means three Cartesian coordinates in space and coordinates for the orientation. In ACS there can be even more than six coordinates. If the same position is described in different coordinate systems the values of the coordinates are different..
  4. When the Ready light is on, turn the Cycle Start switch to 1.
    The axes begin moving in the programmed pattern.

Control Panel



GUIClosed Graphical User Interface - A type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer and computer-controlled devices.

Used to change the coordinated motion feedrate from 0% to 200%.

Displays the axis positions.

Indicator light.

  • Ready indicates:
    • The axes are enabled.
    • The axes group is ready and enabled for coordinated motion.

Begins the coordinated motion pattern.

Disables the axes or axes group.

Enables the axes and the axes group.

Moves all axes or axes group to their zero position.

Causes a reference by setting the axes' position to zero at their current location.