Initialize and Start a Pipe Network

To start a Pipe Network in an IEC 61131-3 application program, these steps must be performed with their respective functions:


ML function blocks


1. Motion Init


  1. Initialization of the Motion is done with this dedicated function.
  2. Set the Motion engine update rate.
  3. Wait for acknowledgment:
    MLMotionStatus() = MLSTATUS_INITIALISED to continue program operation.

2. Create Cam Profiles


Create Cam Profiles from cam files.

3. Create Pipe Network



4. Motion Start


  1. Starts the motion engine, motion bus driver, and initializes EtherCATClosed ***EtherCAT is an open, high-performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs network to operational mode.
  2. Waits for acknowledgment:
    MLMotionStatus() = MLSTATUS_RUNNING to continue program operation.

5. Power on all axes



6. Activate the pipes



7. Connect the axes to the pipes


For example: in the following Pipe Network this function connects the Converter blocks (CNV1, CNV2 and CNV3) to the Axis blocks

See Motion Library for more information about all ML function blocks related to motion