60B2h, 68B2h Torque offset - AxisX

This object sets a current/torque offset in CANopen torque units per thousand (1‰) of the axis' rated torque (AXIS#.ICONT ). Rated torque is the minimum of the peak current of the motor or drive. This value can also be viewed from WorkBench using the keyword AXIS#.FBUS.IL.FF. The loops are updated every cyclic fieldbus cycle. The fieldbus controller manages jumps in current command due to this feed forward when starting, stopping, switching opmodes, and all other transitions.

  • SDO access is Read/Write and PDO access is Write Only.

Axis 1

Parameter Index Sub-Index Data Type Float Scale Units Access PDO Mappable SMM Versions
Torque offset - Axis 1 60B2h 0 Signed16 - - Read/Write Yes All

Axis 2

Parameter Index Sub-Index Data Type Float Scale Units Access PDO Mappable SMM Versions
Torque offset - Axis 2 68B2h 0 Signed16 - - Read/Write Yes All