Part 17-2: Verifying Additional Settings in WorkBench After PLC Connection
After Part 17-1: Verifying CIP Sync mode and Synchronized/Locked State you will need to verify additional settings in WorkBench after PLC connection.
After downloading the project and going to run mode it is recommended that you verify your settings in WorkBench.
Check the toolbar at the top of WorkBench and ensure the Axis Control for both Axis 1 and Axis 2 are set to:
Command Source: 1 - Fieldbus
OpMode: 2 - Position
These settings are changed automatically when the CIP Sync connection is made from the PLC to the AKD2G-SPI drive, but it is recommended the settings are verified.
Under Device Settings → Communication → EtherNet/IP → Axis # → CIP Sync tab.
![](../../Resources/Images/AKD2G EtherNetIP/cip_sync_5000_eip_cip_tab_noted-ax1_thumb_400_0.png)
The drive is Connected and Synchronized. This is indicated by the green LEDs in the GUI.
Note the Cycle Time is shown in microseconds. This is the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) of the AKD2G Module in Studio 5000. The Sample project uses a 3 msec RPI which is the Motion Group Base Update Rate + 1 msec.
Period: The Motion Group’s Base Update Period is read from the MotionGroup Properties (by CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI on the first scan) and written to the AXIS#.EIP.STREAMPERIOD parameter via the embedded UpdatePeriodMsg instruction in the CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOIfor Axis 1.
Position Unwind is read from the MotionGroup Axis properties where in the Sample project Axis 1 is a Rotary Axis and the Position Unwind is set to 360000. The Positioning Mode (Rotary) and Unwind value is read from the Motion Group Axis Properties (by the CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI on first scan) and written to the AXIS#.EIP.UNWIND parameter via the embedded UnwindMsg instruction in the CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI for Axis 1.
![](../../Resources/Images/AKD2G EtherNetIP/cip_sync_5000_eip_cip_tab_noted-ax2_thumb_400_0.png)
The drive is Connected and Synchronized. This is indicated by a green LED in the GUI.
Note the Cycle Time is shown in microseconds. This is the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) of the AKD2G Module in Studio 5000. The Sample project users a 3 msec RPI which is the Motion Group Base Update Rate + 1 msec.
Period: The Motion Group’s Base Update Period is read from the MotionGroup Properties (by CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI on the first scan) and written to the AXIS#.EIP.STREAMPERIOD parameter via the embedded UpdatePeriodMsg instruction in the CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI for Axis 2.
Position Unwind: Set by the CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI on first scan reading the Positioning Mode (Linear) from the Motion Group Axis Properties and, if Linear, setting the Unwind value in the AKD2G drive for Axis 2 to 2,000,000,000 by the CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI and written to the AXIS#.EIP.UNWIND parameter via the embedded UnwindMsg instruction in the CIP_Axis_State_Machine AOI for Axis 2.