CIP Sync Command Assembly Data Structure (105)

See Overview of the CIP Sync Assembly for more information.

Axis 1
Byte Index
Axis 2
Byte Index
Field Information
0 14 Control Word Status bits for the state machine and mode control EIP.ASY105.AXIS#.CONTROL
Bit (Mask) Description Internal Behavior
0 (0x0001) Switch On See CIP Sync: State Machine
1 (0x0002) Disable Voltage
2 (0x0004) Quick Stop
3 (0x0008) Enable Operation
4 (0x0010) Operation Mode Specific Bit 4 Start Home / Follow Position
5 (0x0020) Operation Mode Specific Bit 5 Reserved
6 (0x0040) Operation Mode Specific Bit 6 Reserved
7 (0x0080) Reset Fault See CIP Sync: State Machine
  1 15 8 (0x0100) Pause/Halt See CIP Sync: State Machine
9 (0x0200) Operation Mode Specific Bit 9 Reserved
10 (0x0400) Reserved Bit 10 Reserved
11 (0x0800) Manufacturer Specific Bit 11 Select Home Mode
12 (0x1000) Manufacturer Specific Bit 12 Select Cyclic Position Mode
13 (0x2000) Manufacturer Specific Bit 13 Reserved
14 (0x4000) Manufacturer Specific Bit 14 Reserved
15 (0x8000) Manufacturer Specific Bit 15 Reserved
2 - 5 16 - 19 Position Command Used to set position command when Streaming bit is High. EIP.ASY105.AXIS#.P
6 - 13 20 - 27 System Timestamp 64 bit / 8 Byte CIP Sync timestamp used for coordinated motion. EIP.ASY105.AXIS#.​SYSTEMTIME
Additional Bytes Index  
28 - 31 Reserved
32 - 63 Dynamic Mapping Space