Touch Probes

Each touch probe can capture two positions, the position on the rising and the position of the falling edge of the trigger input.

The AKD2G touch probes conform with the EtherCAT ETG6010 specification “CiA402 Implementation Directive” and CANopen DS402.

On AKD2G, the touch probes are separate from the drive's position capture channels, CAP1 and CAP2. The touch probes use their own dedicated hardware in the drive. The configuration and status of the touch probes will not be available by the CAP#. keywords.

These are the EtherCAT/CANopen objects AKD2G supports.

Axis 1 Index Axis 2 Index Link Name
60B8h 68B8h 60B8h, 68B8h Touch probe function - AxisX Touch probe function/control
60B9h 68B9h 60B9h, 68B9h Touch probe status - AxisX Touch probe status
60BAh 68BAh 60BAh, 68BAh Touch probe 1 positive edge - AxisX Touch probe 1 position positive value
60BBh 68BBh 60BBh, 68BBh Touch probe 1 negative edge - AxisX Touch probe 1 position negative value
60BCh 68BCh 60BCh, 68BCh Touch probe 2 positive edge - AxisX Touch probe 2 position positive value
60BDh 68BDh 60BDh, 68BDh Touch probe 2 negative edge - AxisX Touch probe 2 position negative value
60D0h 68D0h 60D0h, 68D0h Touch probe source - AxisX Touch probe source
60D1h 68D1h 60D1h, 68D1h Touch probe time stamp 1 positive value - AxisX Touch probe 1 timestamp positive value
60D2h 68D2h 60D2h, 68D2h Touch probe time stamp 1 negative value - AxisX Touch probe 1 timestamp negative value
60D3h 68D3h 60D3h, 68D3h Touch probe time stamp 2 positive value - AxisX Touch probe 2 timestamp positive value
60D4h 68D4h 60D4h, 68D4h Touch probe time stamp 2 negative value - AxisX Touch probe 2 timestamp negative value
60D5h 68D5h 60D5h, 68D5h Touch probe 1 positive edge counter - AxisX Touch probe 1 positive edge counter
60D6h 68D6h 60D6h, 68D6h Touch probe 1 negative edge counter - AxisX Touch probe 1 negative edge counter
60D7h 68D7h 60D7h, 68D7h Touch probe 2 positive edge counter - AxisX Touch probe 2 positive edge counter
60D8h 68D8h 60D8h, 68D8h Touch probe 2 negative edge counter - AxisX Touch probe 2 negative edge counter

The following table shows how AKD2G signals are mapped to the touch probe source entry in the object dictionary.

  • A few sources appear in both the standard and the manufacturer specific ranges to provide consistency.
60D0h,68D0h Description
-41 to -42 Z pulse for Axis 1 to 2
-31 to -35

Z pulse for Feedback 1 to 5:

  • No existing product currently supports Z pulses on FB 1, 2, 4 and 5, therefore the corresponding values may not exist.
  • X23 is optional, when not fitted FB 3 won’t be available, therefore corresponding value may not exist.
-21 to -26

DIO1 to DIO6:

  • When X22 is not fitted options -21 and -22 will not be valid.

  • When X23 is not fitted options -23 to -26 will not be valid.

-1 to -12

DIN1 to DIN12: When X22 is not fitted options -9 to -12 will not be valid.

0 Reserved
1 DIN1. Fast Opto
2 DIN2. Fast Opto
3-4 Reserved
5 Valid if PL.FBSOURCE is using a feedback that supports a Z pulse.
6 to 32767 Reserved

The following diagram shows the sequence for controlling the touch probe feature.


Touch Probe Example