Fixed PDO Mappings

If the EtherCAT master in use does not support dynamic mapping, various ready-to-use mappings can be selected for cyclic data exchange using 1C12h RxPDO assignment and 1C13h TxPDO assignment. If the master permits, dynamic mapping should be preferred as the maps can be customized to meet exact needs. Using dynamic mapping does not impact performance and performs equivalent to fixed maps.

17xxh objects are used for drive input maps and 1Bxxh objects are used for drive output maps.

Use the sequence below to select the fixed command value mapping 1700h via SDOs:

  1. SDO write access to object 1C12h Sub0 Data:0x00
  2. SDO write access to object 1C12h Sub1 Data:0x1700
  3. SDO write access to object 1C12h Sub0 Data:0x01

The objects, which are mapped into the fixed PDOs, can be read using the subindices 1 to n of the above indices. The number of mapped entries is available by reading subindex 0 of the above indices.

Drive fixed maps

1620h RxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1620 Digital Outputs (3601h Digital output control)
1A20h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1a20 Digital Input states (3580h Digital input states)

Per axis fixed maps (2nd axis uses 20h offsets, ie: 1700h is axis 1 and 1720h is axis 2)

1700h RxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1700 CSP map: Controlword (6040h, 6840h Controlword - AxisX), Target Position (607Ah, 687Ah Target position - AxisX)
1701h RxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1701 PV map: Controlword (6040h, 6840h Controlword - AxisX), Target Velocity (60FFh, 68FFh Target velocity - AxisX)
1702h RxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1702 1702h PT map: Controlword (6040h, 6840h Controlword - AxisX), Target Torque (6071h, 6871h Target torque - AxisX)
1703h Reserved
1704h RxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1704 Touch Probe Control (60BBh, 68BBh Touch probe 1 negative edge - AxisX)
1B00h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1b00 CSP map: Statusword (6041h, 6841h Statusword - AxisX), Position Actual (6064h, 6864h Position actual value - AxisX), Following Error (60F4h, 68F4h Following error actual value - AxisX)
1B01h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1b01 PV map: Statusword (6041h, 6841h Statusword - AxisX), Position Actual (6064h, 6864h Position actual value - AxisX), Velocity Actual (606Ch, 686Ch Velocity actual value - AxisX)
1B02h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1b02 PT map: Statusword (6041h, 6841h Statusword - AxisX), Position Actual (6064h, 6864h Position actual value - AxisX), Torque Actual (6077h, 6877h Torque actual value - AxisX)
1B03h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1b03 Touch Probe Status (60B9h, 68B9h Touch probe status - AxisX)
1B04h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1b04 Touch Probe 1 Position Positive Value (60BAh, 68BAh Touch probe 1 positive edge - AxisX), Touch Probe 1 Position Negative Value (60BBh, 68BBh Touch probe 1 negative edge - AxisX)
1B05h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1b05 Touch Probe 2 Position Positive Value (60BCh, 68BCh Touch probe 2 positive edge - AxisX), Touch Probe 2 Position Negative Value (60BDh, 68BDh Touch probe 2 negative edge - AxisX)
1B06h TxPDO fixed mapping parameter 0x1b06 Digital Inputs (60FDh, 68FDh Digital inputs - AxisX)