

Homing is used to move a motor (connected to a mechanism) to a specific location on the machine, referred to as “home”. This home position is used as the point all subsequent absolute movements are measured from. To start a motion task the axis needs to be homed first.

AKD2G can set the home position using many different combinations of signals, including limit switches (end of travel switches), a dedicated home switch (reference), end stops, encoder z pulses, and the zero angle from single turn feedbacks. AXIS#.HOME.MODE is used to select which homing mode will be used.

All homing modes provide the options of adjusting the acceleration, deceleration, and speed used when searching for the home position. Most modes will finish searching at the new home position, position zero. After the motion to search for the home position has completed you can offset the zero position with AXIS#.HOME.P from the reference point.

Once the reference has been established AXIS#.HOME.DIST allows the motor to be moved away from the reference point. By default AXIS#.HOME.DIST is zero so there will be no extra movement.

Using Homing

The AKD2G includes a variety of homing methods (set with AXIS#.HOME.MODE) to accommodate your machine needs:

Mode Description


Current position


Find limit switch


Find limit switch then find zero angle


Find limit switch then find index


Find home switch


Find home switch then find zero angle


Find home switch then find index


Find zero angle


Find end stop


Find end stop then find zero angle


Find end stop then find index


Find index signal, without any precondition


Find home switch, including end stop detection

13 Absolute Mode - Use Feedback Position
14 Reserved
15 Find next feedback zero position
16 Find home switch using dual edges
19 Gantry Homing - Use Master Settings (AXIS2 only)

  • When using any of the methods that use homing switches and limits, please refer to the Input/Output section for proper wiring techniques.

Home Default Window

The Home window allows you to select a homing method and configure homing settings. This window also provides simple controls to start homing and confirm homing success. The view has three sections, Mode, Settings, and Controls.

The Mode selection is used choose the desired homing mode. Homing modes are described below in Selecting and Using Homing Modes.

The Settings area contains attributes specific to the homing method selected.

Element Description Parameter
Acceleration The acceleration used while homing AXIS#.HOME.ACC
Deceleration The deceleration used while homing AXIS#.HOME.DEC
Direction The initial direction for homing AXIS#.HOME.DIR
Distance After Homing The distance from the found home position the axis should move after home point is found. The default of zero makes the axis move to the found homing position AXIS#.HOME.DIST
Position The position given to the home position once it is found AXIS#.HOME.P
Position Error Threshold The position error used for detecting a mechanical stop when using modes 8, 9, 10, or 12. AXIS#.HOME.PERRTHRESH
Velocity The velocity used while homing AXIS#.HOME.V
Creep Factor The percentage of the homing speed used while searching for the feedback’s index. This is used by modes 3, 6, 10, 11, and 16. AXIS#.HOME.CREEPFACTOR
Home Switch Select which digital input will be used as the home switch. This is used by modes 4, 5, 6, 12, and 16. AXIS#.HOME.SWITCHSOURCE
Max Distance Sets the maximum distance the axis is allowed to move while homing. AXIS#.HOME.MAXDIST
Peak Current The peak current that will be applied when homing against a mechanical stop. This is used by modes 8, 9, 10, and 12. AXIS#.HOME.IPEAK
Positive Limit Switch Read-only. This item displays which, if any, digital input is used for a positive limit switch. This is used by modes 2, 3, and 4. AXIS#.HWLS​.POSSOURCE
Negative Limit Switch Read-only. This item displays which, if any, digital input is used for a negative limit switch. This is used by modes 2, 3, and 4. AXIS#.HWLS.​NEGSOURCE

The Controls area is common to all homing methods. This section allows you to start and stop homing and it provides feedback during and after the homing process.

Element Description Parameter
Found Green when the home reference is found. AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT bit 1
Done Green when the home move is complete. AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT bit 2
Active Green while the axis is homing. AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT bit 3
Error Red if homing failed. AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT bit 4
Position Feedback The curent position of the axis AXIS#.PL.FB
Auto Homing Allows the axis to automatically home when first enabled AXIS#.HOME.AUTOMOVE
Start/Stop Click this button to start or stop the selected homing method AXIS#.HOME.MOVE and AXIS#.STOP

Homing Terminology

Term Definition
Home Switch A home switch is a switch placed somewhere along the axis that is only used homing an axis (also known as a reference switch). Home switches are active high (on when the motor passes the switch).
Limit Switch

A limit switch is an electrical switch placed at the end-of-travel of an axis to stop the motor moving beyond that position. Limit switches are commonly installed as a pair, one at the maximum positive position and the other for the maximum negative position. A limit switch is also known as a hardware limit switch or an end of travel switch. Limit switches are active low (off when the motor hits the switch).

When homing to a limit switch, the limit switch must remain off while the motor decelerates and begins to reverse. A very low acceleration rate combined with a high approach velocity may overshoot the switch. This will cause a homing error.

Index Pulse Some feedback devices, such as incremental or sine encoders, have an extra output that goes high at one point within each revolution. An index pulse is also known as a Z pulse or a zero pulse.
Zero Angle Some feedback devices can provide a position measurement at power up that is correct within one turn of the motor. The zero angle is where this angle is zero. A zero angle is also known as mechanical zero angle.
Reference Point This is the point from which positions are measured after the homing has been completed. AXIS#.HOME.P allows the position with a value zero to be offset from the physical point found by the homing mode. A reference point is also known as a datum, zero point or home point.
End Stop An alternative to using limit switches is to move the axis up to an end stop. The drive can monitor the following error to detect the axis has hit the end stop. An end stop is also known as a hard stop or mechanical stop.

Retain Homing During Power Cycle

Starting with firmware version 02-01-05-000, the drive automatically saves the home offset and restores the offset when the drive is booted. A homing may still be required to execute motion tasks after rebooting, depending on the feedback used as position loop source (AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE) and the settings of AXIS#.HOME.MULTITURNMODE and AXIS#.HOME.SINGLETURNMODE (from version 02-10-03).

  • When AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE selects a single turn feedback, the Home Found and Home Done bits in AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT will be restored if AXIS#.HOME.SINGLETURNMODE is set to 1, a Homing move has been completed on the axis at least once, and neither DRV.RSTVAR nor the AXIS#.HOME.CLEAR command has been executed after Homing is complete.
  • When AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE selects a multiturn feedback and AXIS#.HOME.MULTITURNMODE is set to 1, the Home Found and Home Done bits in AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT will always be set and no new homing will have to be done.
  • When AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE selects a multiturn feedback and AXIS#.HOME.MULTITURNMODE is set to 0, the Home Found and Home Done bits in AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT will only be set if a Homing move has been done on the axis at least once and neither the DRV.RSTVAR nor the AXIS#.HOME.CLEAR command has been executed after Homing is complete.

Homing after rebooting is not required once the correct settings for AXIS#.HOME.SINGLETURNMODE or AXIS#.HOME.MULTITURNMODE are completed. This is similar to AKD’s Home Mode 17, with the difference in AKD2G that any of AKD2G's Home Modes can be used to avoid re-homing after rebooting.

  • Once the correct settings are in place to restore homing, the drive won’t recognize if the feedback device is changed, and thus will restore the homing state of the previous feedback device to the new feedback device. If a feedback device is changed, the Home settings will now be incorrect and the drive should be re-homed.

Selecting and Using Homing Mode

Related Parameters and Commands



















Digital Inputs and Outputs

DIN Parameters