WorkBench Interface: Toolbar

The WorkBench Toolbar provides several convenient features.

  1. Navigation
  2. Watch Window
  3. Emergency Stop
  4. Functions
  5. Axis Control
Element Function
Navigation These buttons let you navigate through the history of views you have accessed, or jump up one level of nested views. See WorkBench Interface: Navigation for more information.
Watch Window This button opens the Watch window. See Watch for more information.
Panic This button immediately disables all devices.
Functions Disable drive and clear faults; save parameters to NVRAM; start or disconnect communication with the selected device.
Axis Control These controls allow you to enable/disable, stop any motion, and set the axis' Command Source and Operation Mode. There are independent controls for each axis. See Axis Settings for more information.


Toolbar Overflow Menu

When WorkBench is not displayed at 100% width, an overflow menu is displayed at the right edge of the toolbar. Clicking this drop down displays the hidden information from the toolbar.

A drop down on the right end of the toolbar shows Axis 2's settings when WorkBench's display is too narrow to show everything