Post Processing Smoothing %

The Smoothing % parameter can help the automatic tuner make better use of a low resolution or noisy encoder.

  • Important Notes about using Smoothing

    • Increasing the Smoothing too much will smooth out resonant peaks, making them look not as severe as they really are.

    • Only use smoothing when increasing the excitation amplitude doesn’t work. You need accurate data before you start processing the data

Post Processing Smoothing Example

The plot has poor quality data because a low excitation was used. In this measurement the Smoothing % is 1.000. Note that the resonant peak shows up as +5.1 dB

In the following image the smoothing has been increased to 4.000% rather than increasing the amplitude. Now, we have what appears to be clean data, but how accurate is it? The resonant peak dropped from +5.1 dB to -6 dB.

The difference in the resonant peak values is ~ 11dB, which is almost twice what is normally allocated for gain margin.

  • Always increase Amplitude before increasing Smoothing.