System [Plant] Gain

System Gain is the maximum amount of gain that can be applied to the system before it becomes unstable.

The System [Plant] defines the limits of performance achievable within the Open and Closed Loops. The Open and Closed Loop bandwidth, phase margin, and gain margin cannot exceed those of the System [Plant] without causing instability.

System Gain [SG] may be extracted from the bode plot by determining the gain on the 20 dB/Decade slope line where it crosses the 1 rad/s (0.1592 Hz) mark, or at the 1 Hz mark plus the System Gain Margin.

The System [Plant] Gain and Acceleration Feed Forward (IL.KACCFF) can also be calculated from the Torque Constant (Kt) and system inertia (Jsys - combined motor and load inertia):