Cam table Graphical Area for the cam profile Curve Selection and Color Table Graphical Area for Curves

Cam Profile Editor

Double-click a profile in the Project Explorer to open the cam profile editor in a new tab of the workspace.

Cam Profile

Figure 1: A cam profile

The cam profile editor is used to create and/or modify a profile definition that describes the position evolution of the cam.

  • This evolution is displayed in a 2D graphical format.
  • You can add, delete, or modify cam elements which consist of points and lines.
    • Based on those elements and some constraints, the KAS-IDE calculates a complete cam shape.
    • See Cam Profile Segment Overview for more information on the segment types.
  • Master/Input (X-Axis) and Slave/Output (Y-axis) coordinates can be specified to define the position.
  • It is also possible to visualize the velocity, acceleration, and jerk diagrams.

Windows Overview

Cam Profile Editor Main Window

Figure 2: Cam Profile Editor Main Window

The cam profile editor contains these distinct areas separated by splitters:

  1. The cam table (see call out ) displays each element and allows editing of the cam.
  2. The Graphical Area for the cam profile
    The upper graph displays a graphical representation of the cam elements
  3. The Curve Selection and Color Table allows you to select which plots (velocity, acceleration and jerk) are displayed
  4. The Graphical Area for Curves
    The lower graph displays a graphical representation of the velocity, acceleration and jerk plots

  • Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) operations are available for any changes you make to the cam profile.


Splitters are used to resize each part of the display.

Figure 3: Example: Splitters

  • The tables and the graphs are separated by a vertical splitter so that you can completely hide the tables to increase the graphical area.

See Adding Cam Profiles and Project Explorer about cam profiles.

Concept Link IconSee Also