Function BlockMC_AddSuperAxisPLCopen motion icon

This function will add a Superimposed Axis to the Axis’s list of assigned superimposed axes. While the Superimposed Axis is on this list, its command deltas will be added to the Axis’s command deltas. Up to four different superimposed axes can be on an axis’s list. The Axis and the SuperimposedAxis must have the same update rate. The OK output will go high to indicate that the function executed successfully. If the OK output does not go high, one of the following errors was detected:



Description Enables Execution
Data Type BOOL
Range n/a
Unit n/a
Default n/a


Description Axis to receive the additional superimposed axis’s command delta
Data Type AXIS_REF
Range .AXIS_NUM [1,256]
Unit n/a
Default n/a


Description Axis number of the superimposed axis whose command delta will be added to delta of Axis
Data Type UINT
Range [1,256]
Unit n/a
Default n/a



Description Execution successful
Data Type BOOL
Range n/a


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