CoE Object Dictionary Tab

This tab displays the all the CoE (CANClosed"Controller area network" CAN is a broadcast, differential serial bus standard developed for connecting electronic control units. Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously over EtherCATClosedEtherCAT is an open, high-performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs) objects associated with the EtherCAT device. It is used as reference to add new CoE Init Commands for the EtherCAT device. The fields in the table are described below. The CoE objects can be used for three different actions, depending upon the access flags.

  • PDO mapping for cyclic communication during application execution
  • CoE Init commands during application start-up
  • SDO communication during application execution

  • This tab is grayed out if the ESI file does not have CoE object information, or if the file is unavailable.

CoE objects can be composed of a simple data type or a complex type. In case of a complex data type, each simple data type composing it has a SubIndex . As shown in the example below, the CoE object can be expanded to show all the subindex's details that are the same as the details for a simple type CoE object.

Field Description
Index / SubIndex CoE Index or SubIndex number
Name Name of the CoE object
Value Default value of the CoE object
Type Data type of the CoE object

This column contains 5 values in the format XX YY (AA BB CC), each representing an access option.

The values of XX and YY provide PDO mapping options:

XX Specifies if the CoE object can be mapped as RxPDO. It is represented as RX if it can be mapped.
YY Specifies if the CoE objecct can be mapped as TxPDO. It is represented as TX if it can be mapped.

The values for AA, BB, and CC provide the CiE Access type. The values can be read only (RO), read-write (RW), or write only (WO)

AA Access type of the object in PREOP state
BB Access type of the object in SAFEOP state
CC Access type of the object in OP state
Module Name of the module that is associated with the CoE Object