Object 60C1h: Interpolation data record
In the AKD, a single setpointSetpoint is the target value that an automatic control system, for example PID controller, will aim to reach (target position, Subindex 1) is supported for the linear interpolation. After the last item of an interpolation data record is written to the devices input buffer, the buffer pointer is automatically incremented to the next buffer.
Index |
Name |
Interpolation data record |
Object code |
Data type |
Category |
optional |
Subindex |
0 |
Description |
highest sub-index supported |
Data type |
Category |
mandatory |
Access |
R/O |
PDO mapping |
not possible |
Value range |
Default value |
Subindex |
1 |
Description |
Interpolation target position in counts, the first parameter of interpolation function |
Category |
mandatory |
Access |
R/W |
PDO mapping |
possible |
Value range |
Default value |
no |
- A set-point value of the Interpolation data record is only taken, if beside the state machine state "Operation Enable"also the bit 4 of the DS402 controlword (Enable Interpolation, see Object 6040h: Control word (DS402)) is set.