This keyword sets the binary output disable mask between the setpointSetpoint is the target value that an automatic control system, for example PID controller, will aim to reach and the drive's output pin. Note the internal setpoint state remains valid, only the external output is blocked.
The following example sets an outmask to 7 (binary 111) to block setpoint states 0, 1, and 2 from asserting the drive output pin.
General Information
Type |
NV Parameter |
Units |
None |
Range |
0 to 255 |
Default Value |
0 (Inactive) |
Data Type |
Integer |
Start Version |
M_01-13-00-000 |
Compare functionality is supported on hardware revisions D, DB, DA, and higher depending on the drive type. Check the label on the side of the drive to ensure the AKD meets one of the following requirements.
AKD Type | Hardware Revision Supported |
AKD | Revision D or higher |
AKD PDMM | Revision DB or higher |
AKD-T-IC![]() |
Revision DA or higher |
Fieldbus![]() |
Index/Subindex | Object Start Version | |
5394h/0 |
M_01-13-00-000 | |
539Bh/0 |
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