Parameter and Command Error Messages

Error Message




Error: Parameter or command was not found.

Parameter or command string was not recognized as a known command.

Check the entered string for accuracy. Consult the reference guide or enter DRV.LIST in the WorkBench terminal screen to find valid parameters and commands.


Error: Not a trigger parameter.

Parameter cannot be used for triggering the scope.

Use a different parameter as a trigger value.

Recorder parameters.

Error: Parameter not recordable.

Parameter cannot be scoped.

Do not scope this parameter.

Recorder parameters.

Error: Wrong argument for parameter or command.

Argument was not accepted.

Check the entered argument for accuracy. Consult the reference guide or enter DRV.LIST in the WorkBench terminal screen to find valid parameter and command arguments.


Error: No arguments allowed for parameter or command.

Parameter or command supports no arguments.

Enter parameter or command again with no arguments.

Commands and read-only parameters

Error: Too many arguments for parameter or command.

Too many arguments provided for this parameter or command.

Enter again with fewer arguments.

All parameters and commands with no or one argument.

Error: No float allowed.

Float number was entered, but only integer numbers are allowed.

Enter integer value instead.

All parameters and commands with integer arguments.

Error: Parameter or command is read-only.

Argument was not accepted because the parameter or command is read-only.

Enter again with no arguments.

Commands and all read-only parameters.

Error: Parameter is temporarily write protected.

Argument was not accepted because the parameter is currently read-only.

Check reference guide or KAS IDEClosed"Integrated development environment" An integrated development environment is a type of computer software that assists computer programmers in developing software. IDEs normally consist of a source code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter, build-automation tools, and a debugger help to determine if the parameter is read-only, read-write, or nonvolatile.

Some parameters that come from the Smart Feedback DeviceClosedA process whereby some proportion of the output signal of a system is passed (fed back) to the input. In automation, a device coupled to each motor to provide indication of the motor's shaft angle, for use in commutating the motor and controlling its speed and position (SFD).

Error: Argument greater than maximum value.

Entered argument was beyond maximum value.

Enter a value that is within the allowable range. See reference guide or KAS IDE help for ranges.

Commands and read-write parameters.

Error: Too many characters in parameter or command.

Parameter or command string was too long.

Shorten string and enter again.


Error: Argument less than minimum value.

Entered argument was too small.

Enter value that is within the limits.

Commands and read-write parameters.

Error: Argument is out of data range.

Entered argument was not withing the data range limits.

Enter value that is within the limits.

Commands and read-write parameters.

Error: Parameter or command is password protected.

Use of this parameter or command requires a password.

Contact technical support to obtain password. Enter valid password.

Password protected parameters and commands.

Error: Wrong operation mode for parameter or command.

Requested parameter or command cannot be performed in this operation mode.

Change to valid operation mode.


Error: Drive enabled. Disable drive and continue.

Action can only be performed if drive is disabled.

Disable drive and repeat action.


Error: Drive disabled. Enable drive and continue.

Action can only be performed if drive is enabled.

Enable drive and repeat action.


Error: Data value is invalid.

Entered data was not valid.

Provide valid data.


Error: Argument must be an even number.

Argument is not an even number.

Enter a value divisible by two without remainder.


Error: Argument must be an odd number. Argument must be an odd number. Enter a value not divisible by two with remainder.  

Error: Axis is not homed.

Axis is not homed.

Home axis and repeat action.


Error: All recorder channels empty.

No data is specified to record.

Specify the data to be recorded and start again.

Recorder commands.

Error: Process already active.

Required action is already running.

Wait until action is finished and start again if needed.


Error: Motor is currently in motion.

Action can only be performed if motor is not moving.

Stop motion and repeat action.

Motion tasks, service motion, and others.

Error: EEPROM is bad or does not exist.

EEPROM is damaged.

Restart drive. If fault persists, replace the drive and consult technical support.


Error: Unknown board.




Error: Fault exists.Correct fault condition and then clear faults.

A fault is present in the system.

Clear the fault, disable the drive, and then enable the drive again.


Error: Cannot clear faults. Issue software or hardware disable first.


Clear hardware or software enable and repeat action.


Error: EEPROM is busy.




Error: Invalid motor/feedback poles ratio.




Error: Unknown Fault.

Situation should not happen.

Clear fault. If fault recurs, consult technical support.


Error: Invalid motor/feedback poles ratio.




Error: Invalid motion task parameter.




Error: Invalid motion task number.




Error: Invalid motion task velocity.




Error: Invalid motion task acceleration or deceleration.




Error: Invalid motion task customer profile table number.




Error: Invalid motion task following number.




Error: FunctionClosedA function calculates a result according to the current value of its inputs. A function has no internal data and is not linked to declared instances. not available for the active command source.




Error: Invalid Bode plot mode for this function.




Error: Invalid sine-sweep Bode plot mode.




Error: Bode plot start frequency greater than or equal to end frequency.




Error: Function not available while a controlled stop is in process.




Error: Not enough memory available.




Error: Function not available while a Bode-plot measurement is active.




Error: Iu/Iv offset calculation not finished.




Error: Buffer overflow.




Error: Cannot save to EEPROM while inrush relay is closed.




Error: Test mode is off.




Error: Cannot change digital input mode. Issue software or hardware disable first.




Error: Internal drive procedure active: controlled stop, burn-in, phase find, or zero.




Error: General motion fault.