Motion Library - Master

Functions sorted by types:

Motion Control Inquiry Functions Position setting
MLMstInit MLMstReadAccel MLMstAbs
MLMstRun MLMstReadDecel MLMstAdd
MLMstWriteAccel MLMstReadInitPos MLMstForcePos
MLMstWriteDecel MLMstReadSpeed MLMstRel
MLMstWriteSpeed MLMstStatus  

Functions sorted in alphabetical order:

Name Description Return type
MLMstAbs Does an absolute move BOOL
MLMstAdd Does an additive move relative for a specified distance from the endpoint of the previous move BOOL
MLMstForcePos Forces the specified position. Possible only when the block is not moving. BOOL
MLMstInit Initializes a master object (TMPClosed"Trapezoidal Motion Profile" This pipe block is a source block that frequently serves as a virtual master for a system composed of several pipes. Generally, a trapezoidal motion profile generator is used to generate a flow of values with a first derivative which produces a trapezoidal trajectory generator) BOOL
MLMstReadAccel Gets the present acceleration value of a master block None
MLMstReadDecel Gets the present deceleration value of a master block None
MLMstReadInitPos Gets the initial position of a master block None
MLMstReadSpeed Gets the speed of a master block None
MLMstRel Does an Relative move for a specified distance from the current position BOOL
MLMstRun Jogs at the specified speed. Returns TRUE if the function succeeded BOOL
MLMstStatus Returns the status of the generator DINT
MLMstWriteAccel Sets the acceleration of a master block BOOL
MLMstWriteDecel Sets the deceleration of a master block BOOL
MLMstWriteInitPos Sets the initial position of a master block BOOL
MLMstWriteSpeed Sets the speed of a master block BOOL

Usage example of Master Functions

MLMstRun(0.0) reduce the speed down to 0.

Master Functions Usage

Figure 7-99: Master Functions Usage