Physical View

Example of Automation System

Figure 2-6: Example of Automation System

Key of Communication Types
Color Method of communication
Blue   EthernetClosedEthernet is a large, diverse family of frame-based computer networking technologies that operate at many speeds for local area networks (LANs)
Green   EtherCATClosedEtherCAT is an open, high-performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs
Red   ModbusClosedModBus is a serial communications protocol and is now the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. ModBus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Versions of the ModBus protocol exist for serial port and Ethernet (it is widely used with TCP/IP over Ethernet)
Orange   Motor cable