6502h, 6D02h Supported drive modes - Axis #

This object describes the CANopen operating modes supported by each axis. The AKD2G returns 0xAD for Cyclic Synchronous Position (CSP), HomingClosedThe Homing procedure allows, based on a position measurement, to set a position offset to the motor in order to ensure it is physically at the home position Mode (HM), TorqueClosedTorque is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist Mode (TQ), Profile Velocity (PV) and Profile Position (PP) modes.

Bit Description
31-10 Reserved
9 Cyclic Synchronous Torque (Not supported)
8 Cyclic Synchronous Velocity (Not supported)
6 Interpolated Position (Not supported)
5 HM
4 Reserved
3 TQ
2 PV
1 Velocity Mode (Not supported)
0 PP


Axis 1

Parameter Index Sub-Index Data Type Float Scale Units Access PDO Mappable
Supported drive modes - Axis 1 6502h 0h Unsigned32 - - Read only No

Axis 2

Parameter Index Sub-Index Data Type Float Scale Units Access PDO Mappable
Supported drive modes - Axis 2 6D02h 0h Unsigned32 - - Read only No