Action Table

Use the Actions view to setup tasks for the drive to perform based on selected sources and conditions. Up to 32 actions can be configured. Each action, at a minimum, has three elements, each of which may have additional requirements.

For example, Action 1 below will attempt to Enable Axis 1 any time it sees a rising edgeClosedA rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge on Digital Input 1. This action also has a Source ID setting which digital input to react on, and a Task ID setting which axis to enable.

Action Execution

Actions are executed sequentially, top to bottom, starting at Action 1, at a 4kHz rate.

Certain tasks, like clearing faults, may take a longer than 4kHz cycle to execute. These tasks will be initiated in a low priority thread. If the task is triggered a second time while the task is already running, it will not be queued to run again, and the action will be ignored until the running task is complete.

Scanning of the table does not begin until boot up has completed. Any edges which occur on any signal will be ignored until this time. In addition, edge triggered actions will not be executed if the test condition is already true at boot time.

To avoid inconsistent behavior, an action will automatically be disabled when any of its fields are edited. Reactivate the action after editing any of its field settings.

Chaining Actions

Actions are executed sequentially, so they can be configured to execute a chain of actions.

For example, if Action 1 enables axis 1 when mains ready is true, then Action 2 can be configured to start homing when axis 1 is enabled. When Action 1 completes its task, it will trigger Action 2 to execute as well.


Element Description Parameter

An action task defines the drive function to execute when the source's condition is met. Some tasks will execute a drive function when the condition becomes true. Other tasks will execute every cycle and use the condition or source to set a drive value.

Value Description
0 No task
1 Digital Output from Source, Continuous
2 Set Digital Output, Edge-triggered
3 Clear Digital Output, Edge-triggered
5 Motion Task, Edge-triggered
6 Home Task, Edge-triggered. Homes based on the saved parameters on the drive
7 Stop, Edge-triggered
8 Start Jog, Edge-triggered
9 Controlled Stop, then disable with re-enable. Drive disables but SW disable bit is not set. If an active Task is disabled (or deactivated) CS bit is cleared and the drive is enabled.
10 Controlled Stop, then disable. Drive disables and SW disable bit is set. If an active Task is disabled (or deactivated) CS bit is cleared but the SW bit remains set and the drive remains disabled.
11 Controlled Stop, and stay enabled. While this action is active then bit 1 in AXISx.MOTIONDISSOURCES will be set. Drive remains enabled while motion stops. CS bit is not set.
12 Clear Faults, Edge-triggered
13 Enable Axis, Edge-triggered
15 Set Analog Output
16 Disable Axis, Edge-triggered
18 Activate Gearing, Edge-triggered
19 Add Gearing Position, Edge-triggered
20 Set Motion Task Feedrate
21 Digital DIO From Source, Continuous
22 Set Digital DIO, Edge-triggered
23 Clear Digital DIO, Edge-triggered
24 Fault Axis
25 Release brake on axis. While this action is active, the brake will be released on axis.
26 Command Buffer, Execute up to four user defined commands. See Command Buffer for more details.
27 Set the Command Source and Op-Mode depending on value in the task parameter, Edge-triggered.
Task ID Some tasks require the Task ID to specify what is acted upon, such as setting a DOUT value. ACTION#.TASKID
Task Param.

Some tasks require task parameters to further specify what is acted on. For example, if the task is Motion Task, Edge-triggered the task parameter field will appear. Setting this field to 5 specifies that the action will start motion task 5 on the selected axis.


The action source is the input the drive reacts on.

Value Description
0 No source
1 Mains ready
2 Digital Input
3 Digital Dio (Bidirectional)
4 Actual Velocity
5 Axis Faulted
6 Home Complete
7 Motion Task in Position
8 Controlled Stop Active
9 Software Limit
10 Move Complete
11 Position Error, Absolute
12 Axis Enabled
13 Analog Input
14 Current Command
15 Velocity Error
16 Velocity Command
17 Position Feedback
18 Axis Disable Immediately
19 Brake State
20 Ready to Operate (RTO/BTB)
21 Compare Digital Inputs
22 Feedback Fault
23 User Variable
200 Safe Input
201 Safe Dual Input
202 Safe Output
203 Safe Dual Output
204 STO active
205 SS1 active
206 SS2 active
207 SOS active
208 SBC active
209 SLS active
210 SSM active
211 SSR active
212 SDI_n active
213 SDI_p active
214 SLA active
215 SAR active
216 SLI active
217 SLP active
218 SCA active
Source ID Some action sources require a specific Source ID number, such as a DIN value. ACTION#.SOURCEID
Source Param.

Some sources require source parameters to further specify what is acted on. For example, if the source is Move Complete, the source parameter field will become editable. Setting this field to 8 specifies that the action will consider Move Complete for motion task 8 on the selected axis.

To Add

A condition value is required when the condition performs a comparison. For example, if the action source is set to Analog Input, and the condition is set to "Falls Below Threshold", a condition value will define the threshold. If the condition value is set to 4.5, the action will check if the analog input transitions from a value greater than 4.5 volts to a value less than 4.5 volts.

Digital Source Analog Source Trigger Type
Follows Greater than Level
Inverts Lesser than Level
Rising EdgeClosedA rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge Rises Above Threshold Edge
Falling Edge Falls Below Threshold Edge
Rising Edge (Triggers on High at Start)    
Falling Edge (Triggers on Low at Start)    
Condition Value Defines the value used by the Condition to test against the Source. ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE