Feedback Devices

There are two views which allow you to configure your position feedback devices and provide information about them. The Feedback Devices view provides up-to-date data about the devices. Clicking on the feedback number field opens a Feedback View to configure it.


The AKD2G offers a variety of feedback solutions which allow you to optimize your system based on your specific machine needs. The table below lists the currently supported feedback types with associated connector/feedback ID. Your motor model number will indicate the type of feedback that you have.

Kollmorgen motors with digital feedback devices (such as SFD, EnDat, BiSSClosed"Bi-directional Serial Synchronous interface" An open-source communication protocol for feedback devices. With BiSS, all of the computation for interpolation in regard to position occurs on the ASIC directly in the encoder, HIPERFACE and, Tamagawa) are plug and play. With these motors, all feedback and motor settings are configured automatically. Third party motors, or Kollmorgenmotors with non-digital feedback types, require that parameters to be entered manually. See Non-Plug and Play Feedback Devices.

Element Description Parameter
X# Indicates the connector used for the feedback  
Feedback # block [number] Identifies the feedback and serves as a link to the configuration view  
Type Indicates the feedback type identified FB#.IDENTIFIED
Resolution Resolution of the identified feedback FB#.RES
Position Current position in raw feedback counts FB#.P
Graphical Indicator Visually indicates the position of the feedback within one revolution  
  FB Usage Indicates how the feedback is being used by an axis. Clicking an entry will open the view configuration.  

Feedback Connector Mapping

AKD2G Feedback Connector AKD2G Feedbacks
X1 FB1
X2 FB2
X23 FB3
X21 FB4
X22 FB5

Feedback Types Supported

Feedback Type Description AKD2G Feedback Plug & Play
Resolver Std & Multi pole 3 No
SFD   3 Yes
SFD3   1 and 2 Yes
Incremental (Digital) Encoder With Halls and Index 3 No
No Halls with Index
No Halls and No Index 3, 4, and 5
Analog Sin/Cos Encoder With Digital Halls 3 No
With Digital Halls and Analog Index
No Halls and No Index
Step/Direction   3, 4, and 5 No
Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise   3, 4, and 5 No
EnDat 2.1 Single & Multi-Turn 3 Yes
EnDat 2.2 All digital 3 Yes
BiSS Mode C All Digital 3 Yes
HIPERFACE DSL All Digital 1 and 2 Yes

Smart Feedback Adapter

Kollmorgen provides an optional Smart Feedback Adapter (SFA) to allow feedback devices that normally connect to X23 (FB3) to connect through X1 (FB1) and X2 (FB2) instead. For example, on a dual axis drive requiring two resolver feedbacks, X23 could be used for one feedback and an SFA on X2 could be used for the other feedback. See Feedback Connector X41 for details on connecting SFA hardware to AKD2G.

For connections that support SFA (X1 and X2), SFA feedback types can be selected using FB#.SELECT in the same manner as other feedbacks. SFA feedback types appear as options for FB#.SELECT when the corresponding feedback connector supports SFA. For example, FB1.SELECT and FB2.SELECT show the SFA feedback types as options. See FB#.SELECT for a list of supported SFA feedback.