Statement - Jump to a label.


A jump to a label branches the execution of the program after the specified label.

See how to add a jump to a label here.

In STClosed"Structured text" A high-level language that is block structured and syntactically resembles Pascal language, labels and jumps cannot be used.

In FBDClosed"Function block diagram" A function block diagram describes a function between input variables and output variables. A function is described as a set of elementary blocks language, a jump is represented by a signpost containing the label name. The input of the signpost must be connected to a valid Boolean signal. The jump is performed only if the input is TRUE.

In FFLD language, the "-->>" symbol, followed by the target label name, is used as a coil at the end of a rung. The jump is performed only if the rung state is TRUE.

In ILClosed"Instruction list" This is a low-level language and resembles assembly language, JMP, JMPC, JMPCN and JMPNC instructions are used to specify a jump. The destination label is the operand of the jump instruction.

  • Backward jumps can lead to infinite loops that block the target cycle.

ST Language

Not available

FBD Language

(* In this example the TON block will not be called if bEnable is TRUE *)
Jump Fbd

FFLD Language

Each rung can begin with a label.

Labels are used as destination for jump instructions.

In this example the network #6 is skipped if IN1 is TRUE.


IL Language

Below is the meaning of possible jump instructions:
JMP    Jump always
JMPC   Jump if the current result is TRUE
JMPNC  Jump if the current result is FALSE

(* My comment *)
Start:   FFLD   IN1
         JMPC TheRest (* Jump to "TheRest" if IN1 is TRUE *)

         FFLD   IN2 (* these three instructions are not executed *)
         ST    Q2      (* if IN1 is TRUE *)
         JMP  TheEnd  (* unconditional jump to "TheEnd" *)

TheRest: FFLD   IN3
         ST    Q3

See also

Labels   RETURN