MC_ReadAxisErr![This function or function block supports PLCopen motion PLCopen motion icon](../Resources/Images/Icon_PLCopen.png)
A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs. MC_ReadAxisErr returns the error status of the specified axis.
This function or function block returns cached data. See Programming a Dual Core Controller for more information.
For more detail on how inputs and outputs work, refer to PLCopen Function Blocks - General Rules
Enable |
Description |
requests to read the error status of the axis |
Data type |
Range |
0, 1 |
Unit |
N/A |
Default |
— |
Axis |
Description |
Name of a declared instance of the AXIS_REF library function. For more details,About Axis Name and Number |
Data type |
Range |
[1,256] |
Unit |
N/A |
Default |
— |
Valid |
Description |
Indicates the AxisErrorID output is valid |
Data type |
Busy |
Description |
Indicates this function block is executing |
Data type |
Error |
Description |
Indicates an invalid input |
Data type |
ErrorID |
Description |
Indicates the error if Error output is set to TRUE
Data type |
AxisErrorID |
Description |
Indicates the error status of the axis. Each bit indicates a specific error. Both emergency-stop (E-stop) and controlled-stop (C-stop) errors are indicated. The table below defines the bits of this output. |
Data type |
Hexadecimal | Decimal | Description |
0000H | 0 | No Error |
0001H | 1 | User-set E-stop via MC_EStop, E-stop |
0002H | 2 | Loss of Feedback, E-stop |
0004H | 4 | Drive Fault, E-stop |
0008H | 8 | Drive Communication Failure, E-stop |
0400H | 1024 | Synchronization Error, C-stop |
0700H | 7192 | Drive Overtravel Limit Exceeded, Cstop (see Overtravel Conditions) |
Multiple errors can be active at the same time. For example, if a User-set E-stop and an Excess Position Error E-stop are both active, the value would be 00000011H (17 decimal).
Structured Text
(* MC_ReadAxisErr ST example *)
Inst_MC_ReadAxisErr( TRUE, Axis1 );
//Inst_MC_ReadAxisErr is an instance of MC_ReadAxisErr function block
AxisErrorBits := Inst_MC_ReadAxisErr.AxisErrorID; //AxisErrorID contains the error bits
Ladder Diagram