AKT2G-AN-400 Object Description and Parameterization
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Parameterization via the CoE Init-Commands (CAN
"Controller area network" CAN is a broadcast, differential serial bus standard developed for connecting electronic control units. Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously over EtherCAT
EtherCAT is an open, high-performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs)
The EtherCAT device is parameterized via the CoE Init-Commands tab . Please note the following general CoE notes when using/manipulating the CoE parameters:
- Keep a startup list if components have to be replaced
- Differentiation between online/offline dictionary, existence of current XML
"Extensible Markup Language " XML is a general-purpose markup language. It is classified as an extensible language because it allows its users to define their own tags description
- use “CoE reload” for resetting changes
The CoE overview contains objects for different intended applications:
- Objects required for parameterization during commissioning:
- Restore Object index 0x1011
- Configuration Data index 0x80n0
- Profile-specific objects:
- Configuration Data (vendor-specific) index 0x80nF
- Input Data index 0x60n0
- Output Data index 0x70n0
- Information and Diagnostic Data index 0x80nE, 0xF000, 0xF008, 0xF010
- AKT2G-AN-400 Object Description and Parameterization
The following section first describes the objects required for normal operation, followed by a complete overview of missing objects.
Restore Object
Index 1011 Restore default parameters
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
1011:0 |
Restore default parameters |
Restore default parameters |
RO |
0x01 (1dec) |
1011:01 |
SubIndex 001 |
If this object is set to "0x64616F6C" in the set value dialog, all backup objects are reset to their delivery state. |
UINT32 |
RW |
0x00000000 (0dec) |
Configuration Data
Index 80n0 TC Settings (for Ch. 1 - 8 (0 ≤ n ≤ 7))
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
80n0:0 |
TC Settings |
Maximum subindex |
RO |
0x19 (25dec) |
Enable User scaling |
User scaling is active. |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
BIT3 |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
The S5 bits are displayed in the three low-order bits |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
This setting generally activates the basic filters in object 0x80n0:15. These are technically realized in the ADC and can therefore not be switched off, even if they are set to "disabled" in the object. |
RW |
0x01 (1dec) |
Enable limit 1 (see Limit 1 and Limit 2) |
Limit 1 enabled |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
Enable limit 2 (see Limit 1 and Limit 2) |
Limit 2 enabled |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
Enable User calibration |
Enabling of the user calibration |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
Enable AKT2G-AN-400-000 |
Enabling of the vendor calibration |
RW |
0x01 (1dec) |
Coldjunction compensation (see Operation with an external cold junction) |
BIT2 |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
Disable Wire Break Detection |
RW |
0x00 (0dec) |
User scaling Offset |
User scaling offset |
INT16 |
RW |
0x0000 (0dec) |
User scaling Gain |
User scaling gain. The gain is represented in fixed-point format, with the factor 2-16. The value 1 corresponds to 65536 (0x00010000) |
INT32 |
RW |
0x00010000 (65536dec) |
Limit 1 (see Limit 1 and Limit 2) |
First limit value for setting the status bits (resolution 0.1 °C) |
INT16 |
RW |
0x0000 (0dec) |
Limit 2 (see Limit 1 and Limit 2) |
Second limit value for setting the status bits (resolution 0.1 °C) |
INT16 |
RW |
0x0000 (0dec) |
Filter settings (see Notch filter (conversion times)) |
This object determines the basic digital filter settings. The possible settings are sequentially numbered.
UINT16 | RW |
0x0000 (0dec) |
User calibration Offset |
User calibration offset |
INT16 |
RW |
0x0000 (0dec) |
User calibration Gain |
User calibration gain |
UINT16 |
RW |
0xFFFF (65535dec) |
TC Element |
Thermocouple Implemented temperature range
100: ± 30 mV (1 µV resolution) 101: ± 60 mV (2 µV resolution) 102: ± 75 mV (4 µV resolution) |
UINT16 |
RW |
0x0000 (0dec) |
Profile-specific objects
The profile-specific objects have the same meaning for all EtherCAT slaves that support the profile 5001.
Configuration Data (vendor-specific)
Index 80nF TC Vendor data (for Ch. 1 - 8 (0 ≤ n ≤ 7))
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
80nF:0 |
TC Vendor data |
Maximum subindex |
RO |
0x04 (4dec) |
Calibration offset TC |
Thermocouple offset (vendor calibration) |
INT166 |
RW |
0x002D (45dec) |
Calibration gain TC |
Thermocouple gain (vendor calibration) |
UINT16 |
RW |
0x5B9A (23450dec) |
Calibration offset CJ |
Cold junction offset [Pt1000] (vendor calibration) |
INT16 |
RW |
0x01B8 (440dec) |
Calibration gain CJ |
Cold junction gain [Pt1000] (vendor calibration) |
UINT16 |
RW |
0x39B2 (14770dec) |
Input Data
Index 60n0 TC Inputs (for Ch. 1 - 8 (0 ≤ n ≤ 7))
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
60n0:0 |
TC Inputs |
Maximum subindex |
RO |
0x11 (17dec) |
Underrange |
Value below measuring range. |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
Overrange |
Measuring range exceeded. ("wire breakage" together with "error" [index 0x60n0:07]) |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
Limit 1 |
Limit value monitoring
BIT2 |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
Limit 2 |
Limit value monitoring
BIT2 |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
Error |
The error bit is set if the value is invalid (wire breakage, overrange, underrange). |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
TxPDO State |
Validity of the data of the associated TxPDO (0 = valid, 1 = invalid). |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
TxPDO Toggle |
The TxPDO toggle is toggled by the slave when the data of the associated TxPDO is updated. |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
Value |
Analog input value (resolution: see Configuration Data index 0x80n0:02) |
INT16 |
RO |
0x0000 (0dec) |
Output Data
Index 70n0 TC Outputs (for Ch. 1 - 8 (0 ≤ n ≤ 7))
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
TC Outputs |
Maximum subindex |
RO |
0x11 (17dec) |
CJCompensation |
Temperature of the cold junction (resolution in 1/10 °C) (index 0x80n0:0C, comparison via the process data) |
INT16 |
RO |
0x0000 (0dec) |
Information and Diagnostic Data
Index 80nE TC Internal data (for Ch. 1 - 8 (0 ≤ n ≤ 7))
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
80nE:0 |
TC Internal data |
Maximum subindex |
RO |
0x05 (5dec) |
ADC raw value TC |
ADC raw value thermocouple |
UINT32 |
RO |
0x0000 (0dec) |
ADC raw value PT1000 |
ADC raw value PT1000 |
UINT32 |
RO |
0x0000 (0dec) |
CJ temperature |
Cold junction temperature (resolution [1/10]°C) |
INT16 |
RO |
0x0000 (0dec) |
CJ voltage |
Cold junction voltage (resolution 1 µV) |
INT16 |
RO |
0x0000 (0dec) |
CJ resistor |
Cold junction
resistance (PT1000 temperature sensor |
UINT16 |
RO |
0x0000 (0dec) |
Index F000 Modular device profile
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
F000:0 |
Modular device profile |
General information for the modular device profile |
RO |
0x02 (2dec) |
Module index distance |
Index spacing of the objects of the individual channels |
UINT16 |
RO |
0x0010 (16dec) |
Maximum number of modules |
Number of channels |
UINT16 |
RO |
0x0004 (4dec) |
Index F008 Code word
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
F008:0 |
Code word |
currently reserved |
UINT32 |
RW |
0x0000 (0dec) |