SD Card Path Conventions

To access the SD card memory a valid SD card label must be used at the beginning of the path, followed by the relative path to the SD card. (Valid SD Card Label)/(Relative Path)

A valid SD card relative path starts with //, /, \\, or \. This is immediately followed by SDCard which is followed by \ or /. Please note that this path label is case insensitive.

Valid Paths Notes
\Sdcard/dir1/file1 dir1 must have been already created
/sdcard/dir1/file1 dir1 must have been already created
Invalid Paths Reason for being invalid
///SDCard/file1 Started with more than two forward or backward slashes
/\Sdcard/dir1/file1 Started with one forward and one backward slash
/sdcarddir1/file1 No forward or backward slash
/sdcard1/dir1/file1 Invalid label

In order to maintain compatibility with the Simulator, the SDCard folder is created inside the userdata folder . File access points to userdata/SDCard when a PDMM SDCard path is used on the Simulator.

See Also: