Draw SFC divergences
The same method is used for drawing divergences: you just need to place the "corners" that identify divergences, convergences and branches. The editor takes care of drawing vertical and horizontal lines. Use the following buttons in the SFC toolbar:
Icon | Description |
Insert the main (left side) corner of a divergence or convergence |
Insert a divergence corner |
Insert a convergence corner |
Divergences are always drawn from left to right. The first branch, on the left, contains the "corners" that identify the ulergence. It must be aligned with the preceding step or transition:
How to proceed?
1- Insert the main corner (on the left-hand side branch) of the divergence and the
2- Insert corners at the top of each branch (divergence)
3- Insert corners at the bottom of the branches where a divergence is required
Simple or double divergence lines:
You can change the drawing of a divergence or convergence horizontal line, for drawing simple or double lines according to the SFC definition. To do this, move the selection on the main corner (on the left) and press the Spacebar.