SD Card Path Conventions

Access to the SD card memory requires that a valid SD card label be used at the beginning of the path, followed by the relative path to the SD card.

(Valid SD Card Label)/(Relative Path)
  • A valid SD card relative path starts with //, /, \\, or \.
  • This is immediately followed by SDCard which is followed by \ or /.
  • This path label is case insensitive.

The SDCard folder is created inside the userdata folder to maintain compatibility with the Simulator.

File access points to userdata/SDCard when a AKD PDMM SDCard path is used on the Simulator.

Valid Paths

Valid Paths





dir1 must have been already created.


dir1 must have been already created.



Invalid Paths

Invalid Paths

Invalid Reason


Started with more than two forward or two backward slashes.


Started with one forward and one backward slash.


No forward or backward slash.


Invalid label.

See Also