Add an HMI Device
To control your application,
Modbus TCP is used for communication from an HMI panel's ethernet port to the X32 connector on the top of a AKD PDMM or PCMM. Modbus ModBus is a serial communications protocol and is now the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. ModBus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Versions of the ModBus protocol exist for serial port and Ethernet (it is widely used with TCP/IP over Ethernet) communication may be active while programming the controller through the KAS IDE "Integrated development environment" An integrated development environment is a type of computer software that assists computer programmers in developing software. IDEs normally consist of a source code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter, build-automation tools, and a debugger while the AKD PDMM or PCMM is connected to a network, switch, or hub. The KAS IDE is automatically linked to the KVB HMI development software, and the Modbus addresses are automatically set. See KDN for more information.
When running the KAS Simulator, an internal HMI editor is also available to debug your application (for more details, Design the HMI with the Internal Editor)