Create Cam Profiles

To create a cam profile, do as follows:

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the Profiles item and select the New profile command in the contextual menu

    Cam - Add New Profile

  2. Figure 4-37: Cam - New Profile

  3. A new profile named "Profile" is created with default parameters.
  4. Right-click on the new profile to rename it or change its properties.

    Cam - Define Profile Filename

  5. Figure 4-38: Cam - Define Profile Filename

  6. Click the new profile to edit it.
Cam Profile Parameters
Field Description
Profile name

The name of the Profile which is:

Master/Input Offset

Master/Input Scale

Slave/Output Offset

Slave/Output Scale

Offsets and scales on the X and Y axes transform the normalized profile into the output profile as shown on the two figures below:

Cam - Normalized Profile

Figure 4-39: Cam - Normalized Profile

Cam - Output Profile

Figure 4-40: Cam - Output Profile

For more details, refer to the paragraph below: Four Parameters Transforming the Cam Profile

  • When a Cam Profile property is changed, a dialog box indicates the progression of the operation.

For more details about editing the profile, see Cam Profile Editor.

See: Use Cam Profiles.