File Menu

File Menu Commands
Command Description

(Ctrl + N)

Close the current project if any, and then launch the project wizard to create a new one.

(Ctrl + O)

Open an existing project.

Or open an existing library.

Open From Controller

Project files saved on a controller can be retrieved using this command.

To retrieve the project, enter the controller's IP Address.

Successfully retrieved projects are saved in My Documents before being opened.

See Download the Project for information on storing projects on the controller.


Save the current project

Saving when in Debug mode automatically switches the program to Edit mode.

Save As...

Save the current project in a location and with a name that you can define.

The project name is also in the KAS IDE window's title.

Compare Projects

This option allows for comparison between an open project and another local project.

  • Once you have browsed for and selected the file for comparison, a window opens showing the differences between the files.
  • See Compare PLC Programs for more information on the comparison tool.
  • A project must be loaded in the IDE to use this function.
    • If a project is not present, this error opens.

Close Project

Close the current project.

If changes have not been saved, a prompt opens first.

Password Protection

This option provides the ability to set, change, and remove password protection on a project file to prevent unauthorized access.

  • The menu options are available when a project is open.
  • Passwords must be 6-20 characters in length.
    • They may consist of any alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9, $, &, *, }, etc,).
    • Spaces, tabs, and apostrophes are not permitted.
    • A company name must be provided; this should be the name of the company which owns the application source code.
  • The status bar has a project security status icon in the lower left corner:
    • Protected ()
    • Unprotected ()
  • To protect a project, which is stored on the controller, the Project must be compiled and downloaded.

Page Setup...

Define page setup, margins and header/footer

(Ctrl + P)

Print the project element currently open in the workspace

Print Preview...

Display a printout on the screen so you can preview it before printing

Print Project...

Select among the complete project's elements those you want to print

Recent Projects

List the most recently used projects
