
ACTION#.TASK defines the drive function to execute. Some tasks will execute a drive function when the input condition becomes true. Other tasks will execute every cycle and use the condition or source to set a drive value.

Value Description Signal Type
0 No task N/A
1 Digital Output from Source, Continuous Digital
2 Set Digital Output, Edge-triggered Digital
3 Clear Digital Output, Edge-triggered Digital
5 Motion Task, Edge-triggered Digital
6 Home Task, Edge-triggered. Homes based on the saved parameters on the drive Digital
7 Stop, Edge-triggered Digital
8 Start Jog, Edge-triggered Digital
9 Controlled Stop, then disable with re-enable. Drive disables but SW disable bit is not set. If an active Task is disabled (or deactivated) CS bit is cleared and the drive is enabled. Digital

Controlled Stop, then disable. Drive disables and SW disable bit is set. If an active Task is disabled (or deactivated) CS bit is cleared but the SW bit remains set and the drive remains disabled.

11 Controlled Stop, and stay enabled. While this action is active then bit 1 in AXIS#.MOTIONDISSOURCES will be set. Drive remains enabled while motion stops. CS bit is not set. Digital

Clear Faults, Edge-triggered

In addition to clearing the fault, this action sets the software enable to prevent the axis from immediately enabling.

See action task 28 to avoid the software enable set.

ACTION#.TASKID selects which axis the faults will be cleared on, zero will clear the faults on both axes.

13 Enable Axis, Edge-triggered Digital
15 Set Analog Output Analog
16 Disable Axis, Edge-triggered Digital
18 Activate Gearing, Edge-triggered Digital
19 Add Gearing Position, Edge-triggered Digital
20 Set Motion Task Feedrate Digital
21 Digital DIO From Source, Continuous Digital
22 Set Digital DIO, Edge-triggered Digital
23 Clear Digital DIO, Edge-triggered Digital
24 Fault Axis. When triggered, the selected axis will fault with F3006 (Action table fault) Digital
25 Release brake on axis. While this action is active, the brake will be released on axis. Digital
26 Command Buffer, Execute up to eight user defined commands. See Command Buffer for more details. Digital
27 Set the Command Source and Op-Mode depending on value in the task parameter, Edge-triggered. Digital

Clear Faults Software Enable Unchanged, Edge-triggered

This action clears any faults on the axis and will not set the software enable. The axis immediately enables after the fault is cleared when using this action task. When using the AKD2G drive with wired digital inputs,it is convenient to clear faults and not have the drive set the software enable automatically.

See action task 12 for the software enable set when faults are cleared.

ACTION#.TASKID selects which axis the faults will be cleared on, zero clears the faults on both axes.


Motion Task Select Bit, Continuous
This task is used to select the motion task id for action task 30 (Motion Task Start Selected) to run. For example:



ACTION1.TASK = 29 (Motion Task Select Bit), ACTION1.SOURCE = 2 (DIN), ACTION1.SOURCEID = 2, ACTION1.TASKID = 1 (Axis 1), and ACTION1.TASKPARAM = 2 (MT Select Bit)




ACTION2.TASK = 29 (Motion Task Select Bit), ACTION2.SOURCE = 2 (DIN), ACTION2.SOURCEID = 3, ACTION2.TASKID = 1 (Axis 1), and ACTION2.TASKPARAM =3 (MT Select Bit)




AXIS#.MT.ACTIONSELECTED will be set to 12 when both DIN 2 and 3 are high.

30 Motion Task Start Selected, Edge-triggered
This task runs the motion task selected by task 29 (Motion Task Select Bit). AXIS#.MT.ACTIONSELECTED holds the current MT index that will run.
A rising edgeClosed A rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge starts the motion task. A falling edge has no effect.


  • If a task is configured for Axis 2 and Axis 2 is in Gantry mode (CMDSOURCE = GANTRY), the task will be put into a state of conflict, and the action will not be able to activate. If the task was previously active, it will be de-activated.


Action Version Notes
Implemented 02-00-00-000

General Information






0 to 23

Default Value

0 (no source)

Data Type


Stored in Non-Volatile Memory


Variants Supported

All variants are supported.