Function Block A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs. - sends an explicit message (UCMM) to an EtherNet/IP adapter, for reading a single CIP "Common Industrial Protocol " The Common Industrial Protocol allows complete integration of control with information, multiple CIP Networks, and Internet technologies attribute.
Input |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Default |
Description |
Attr |
Identifier of the CIP attribute. |
Class |
Class identifier of the CIP object. |
Data |
array of UINT |
Buffer where to store the received data. If the actual attribute length is greater than the size of this array, value will be truncated when read. |
Inst |
Instance identifier of the CIP object. |
SrvIP |
IP address of the server (adapter) (e.g., configured in the EtherNet/IP Scanner configuration). |
Snd |
A rising edge A rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge on this input starts the exchange. The DONE output signals the end of exchange. |
Output |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Description |
Done |
This output is TRUE during one cycle when the exchange is finished, whether the exchange succeeded or failed. Warning: This output can be TRUE just after the call to block when starting a new exchange in case of invalid parameters. |
EmErr |
In case of a UCMM error, this is the CIP general status error code. |
EmErrExt |
In case of a UCMM error, this is the CIP extended status error code. |
Err |
Main error report. Can be one of these values: |
RcvSize |
Actual size of the CIP attribute answered by the server. If this size is greater than the size of the DATA input array, it indicates the value was truncated. |
- The CIP instance number can be 16-bits [1...65535].
- The servers (adapters) accessed by this block must be configured in the EtherNet/IP Scanner fieldbus configuration.
- Only one explicit message (read or write) can be sent at one time to the same server.
- If another message is pending you receive the error report 3 (busy) after calling the block to start a new exchange.
- Consider SerializeIn and SerializeOut functions for extracting data from the read buffer.
FBD Language
Not available.
FFLD Language
Not available.
IL Language
Not available.
ST Language
// used variables
// Inst_eipReadAttr : eipReadAttr ;
// bRead : BOOL ; (* request for READ *)
// DataRead : ARRAY [0 .. 15] OF USINT ; (* read data *)
// Server identification and CIP things
#define SRVIP ''
#define CLASSID UINT#100
#define ATTRID UINT#3
// requested READ command
if bRead then
Inst_eipReadAttr (bRead, SRVIP, CLASSID, INSTID_READ, ATTRID, DataRead);
// READ answer here ?
if Inst_eipReadAttr.Done then
// check answer - if OK answered data is in DataRead array
if Inst_eipReadAttr.Err = 0 then
printf ('READ ok - size = %lu bytes',
any_to_dint (Inst_eipReadAttr.RcvSize));
printf ('READ Error %lu (UCMM Error %lu, %lu)',
any_to_dint (Inst_eipReadAttr.Err),
any_to_dint (Inst_eipReadAttr.EmErr),
any_to_dint (Inst_eipReadAttr.EmErrExt));
// reset READ command and block input
Inst_eipReadAttr (false, SRVIP, CLASSID, INSTID_READ, ATTRID, DataRead);
bRead := false;
See Also