Index.Sub | 60EF.0H |
Data Type | Unsigned32 |
Access | ro (1) rw (2) |
PDO Mappable | No |
Unit |
Increments |
Range |
Default Value |
200(1) ÷ 65536 0 (2) ÷ 65536 |
Store Supported |
No (1) Yes (2) |
Description | This objects is the Motor Resolution. |
Notes |
(1) with firmware V03r16 or lower. (2) with firmware V03r17 or superior.
- With firmware V03r16 or lower the motor resolution is defined with Motor_Parameters (Motor_Step_Angle) and Motor_Parameters (Motor_Pole_Pairs) objects (in this case Motor_Resolution object is read only and returns the motor resolution value).
- With firmware V03r17 or superior the motor resolution can be defined with Motor_Resolution object or Motor_Parameters (Motor_Step_Angle), Motor_Parameters (Motor_Pole_Pairs) objects. If Motor_Resolution object value is 0 then the motor resolution is defined with Motor_Parameters (Motor_Step_Angle) and Motor_Parameters (Motor_Pole_Pairs) objects (for compatibility reasons). A value of Motor_Resolution object different from zero defines directly the motor resolution (Motor_Parameters (Motor_Step_Angle) object is not considered and only Motor_Parameters (Motor_Pole_Pairs) object have to be defined). |