Mapping a Variable to the Oscilloscope

A probeClosed See Softscope - Probe item. (variable) can be directlyClosed The orientation components of a vector in space. plugged or mapped from within the Oscilloscope:

  1. Right-click on any channel (already mapped or not) in the channels list.
  2. Click the Map option to open the Scope Variable Selector.

    • If your application is not connected and running, this message appears.

  3. Navigate through the available variables and select the one you want to connect to the channel.

    Variable Selector for Pipe Network

    Figure 1: Using the Variable Selector to choose a variable to be mapped in the Oscilloscope

  4. For more details see:

  5. (Optional) Set the Derivation Order.
    This is the number of derivatives to apply to the trace.
  6. If the variable selected is the axis command position, then setting the Derivation Order to:

  7. (Optional) Set the Derivation PeriodClosed Motor systems having a reciprocating or oscillating motor that operates synchronously with the periodicity of the source which supplies the electrical energy. The period of execution of a pipe is the time spent between two successive computations of set values for the same pipe. The period of execution of a pipe is specified by the PERIOD parameter of the input pipe block..
    The value entered should be either 0.0 (no modulo) or the Modulo Period (e.g., 360.0).
    If the selected Derivation Order is greater than zero, the Derivation Period of the selected signal can be used to remove rollover spikes in the derivative value if the variable is of a periodic nature as the result of modulo behavior.

Un-map Variables from the Scope

Use this procedure to disconnect a probe:

  1. Right-click on the channel to remove from the channels list and select the Unmap command in the menu to disconnect the probes.
  2. Select the Unmap all Oscilloscope Channels command from the right-mouse menu in the Dictionary or the Pipe Network.