Safety Faults, Safety Warnings

AKD2G with safety option 1 do not have safety failure modes.

LCD Display

The drive offers an LCD display and two push-buttons, B1 and B2, for navigation.

The display on the front panel of the drive shows the code of the fault or warning that occurred. Safety Faults and Warnings follow the same pattern and are identified by a four digit code 90 XX, where 90 is the two digit group code, and XX is a two digit ID.

Navigate with B1 / B2 to the Fault screen to see a short description of the fault or warning. See WorkBench Online Help for details.

Failure Categories

AKD2G with SMM (safety option 2) have the following safety circuit fault states:

Failure category




I/O Failure

A problem is detected around the drive.
Example: encoder problem, missing OSSD test pulses or a wiring issue.
Resolving: by the user or by using FSoE
Restart: acknowledge fault, power off/on, normal operation can be resumed.

If the velocity is >0, SS1_1 is activated. The axis executes a controlled stop.


If the velocity = 0, the drive applies the brake and activates SS1 or STO.


Safe outputs are switched off.


Internal failure

The drive detected a problem in the drive or in the internal SMM itself. The problem prevents further normal operation, but allows to transmit diagnostic data for diagnosis.
Example: problem in switching the brake output.
Resolving: power off/on
Restart: not possible unless fault is removed.


Internal failure, reset may occur

The drive detected an internal problem, that may result in resets, and other erroneous behavior. As further operation cannot be executed safely, all communication is dropped. Resets of the internal SMM may occur.
Example: RAM failure.
Resolving: power on/off
Restart: not possible unless fault is removed.


An internal failure occurs, when a problem in the internal SMM is detected. Therefore, deceleration, applying the brakes and switching off the output may not be possible under all circumstances.

Safety Faults and Safety Warnings cannot be muted or suspended.

Stuck at faults on the STO output, the digital outputs or the brake output show up as I/O failures or internal failures. Power supply faults (over and under voltage) show up as internal or fatal failure. Many diagnostic errors are false positives.

The fault tolerance time for each diagnostic measure (diagnostic test interval) is maximum T2 = 1 h.

SMM Failure Classification and Behavior

The parameter SAFE.ERROR gives the current error code of the SMM, accessible through CoE. SAFE.ERRORINSTANCE indicates the current instance of the error code.

The SMM send the failure ID to the drive, if possible. The drive creates faults and warnings listed in the next chapter.

Drive Safety Faults

More information about drive fault messages, remedy and clearing faults can be found in the WorkBench User Manual.






Safe Torque Off

STO function has been triggered while the axis is enabled.

See (➜ # 1, STO (Safe Torque Off))


SMM communication failed

SMM not communicating as expected

Restart drive.
If issue persists, contact technical support.


Incorrect safety card detected

Physical SMM does not match the expected module

Restart drive.
If issue persists, return hardware to supplier.


Safe Torque Off digital and analog lines don't match

Hardware fault on the power board.

Restart drive.
If issue persists, contact technical support.


STO Simultaneity

The two STO inputs did not change state within 100ms of each other.

Check wiring and safety apparatus


Internal failure of the SMM


Restart drive.
If issue persists, contact technical support.


Safe brake parameters inconsistent

indicates a brake is attached, but non-safe brake parameters (AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE, BRAKE#.Axis) do not.

From the safety parameter screen in WorkBench under safe brake control (SBC), verify that the SBC Brake parameters agree with the drive related parameters that a brake is either configured or not.

Safety Warnings

More information about drive warnings can be found in the WorkBench User Manual.






Safe Torque Off

STO function has been triggered.

See (➜ # 1, F9000 )


Safe brake parameters inconsistent

indicates a brake is attached, but non-safe brake parameters (AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE, AXIS#.BRAKE) do not.

From the safety parameter screen in WorkBench under safe brake control (SBC), verify that the SBC Brake parameters agree with the drive related parameters that a brake is either configured or not.


Safe Brake Test Time Overflow

No SBT has been executed within the configured time limit

Extend SBT limit or execute an SBT


SMM Over Temperature

SMM is over temperature

Make sure that the ambient temperature complies with the specified limits for the given hardware (➜ # 1, Ambient Conditions, Ventilation and Mounting Position).
If the problem persists, return hardware to manufacturer.


SMM State not operational

SMM is not ready to enable. Refer to SAFE.STATE.

Verify SafeID and safe parameters are validated and correct. Check for other faults on the SMM.


SMM I/O failure detected

SMM detected a safety I/O failure and prohibits operation.

  • Digital inputs or outputs failed
  • STO pulse failed
  • Brake output failed
  • Encoder safe position failure
  • Invalid Encoder association

Use diagnostics to determine cause and replace external hardware if issue reoccurs.

I/O failure can be acknowledged with FSoE or a safe input (configurable).

Troubleshooting Functional Safety

Eliminate errors and faults in compliance with work safety rules. Troubleshooting only by qualified and trained staff.


Possible Causes

Remedy causes

A group "90" safety fault or safety warning message is visible in the drive LCD display

Refer to the Drive Safety Fault and Warning tables (see "Drive Safety Faults").

A fault or warning message of another group than "90" is visible in the drive LCD display

Refer to the drive fault and drive warnings tables (see "Fault and Warning Messages") and more detailled descriptions in the WorkBench User Manual.

Safety faults and warnings are not visible/reported

is set to 0

to 1

STO cannot be deactivated (no torque)

  1. External safety device defective.
  2. STO wiring defective.
  3. Auxiliary voltage low.
  4. STO inputs defective.
  5. F9004 visible
  6. F9005 visible.
  7. OSSD pulses too long (>1ms).
  8. STO channels are unequal for more than 100ms.
  1. Check external safety device.
  2. Check STO wiring for short-circuit or similar.
  3. Check voltage level Technical Data Technical Data .
  4. Send drive to manufacturer for repair.
  5. Send drive to manufacturer for repair.
  6. Check safety hardware system.
  7. Check safety controller. Switch off OSSD.
  8. Check external safety device.

Drive does not enable

  1. STO is still active.
  1. Deactivate STO prior to HW Enable.

SS1-t does not execute till the end of the configured time

Non-safe emergency timeout interrupts the deceleration ramp of SS1-t.

Set emergency-timeout to a higher value than t_SS1

Safety parameter package cannot be downloaded.
Error messages:

  • “The parameter set does not contain parameters for this device.”
  • "Parameter does not exist."
  • "Loading file to flash has failed."

The SafeID set in configuration does not match the SafeID set on the target Device.

Either parametrize the correct SafeID in the parameters or change the SafeID on the desired drive to the configured value, restart and validate the SafeID.

Monitoring configuration:
Monitoring field can not be added to the scope

All sources of the scope are already occupied.

Remove at least one source / slot in the scope and try again. Then add the desired monitoring field to the scope.