VL.KI and PL.KP together

Referenced Keywords
Parameter Description Drive Keyword


Position Loop Proportional Gain



Velocity Loop Integral Gain



Velocity Loop Proportional Gain


When viewing the frequency response of tuning parameters together, analysis is very simple – just add them all together!

Drawing from the two previous examples (VL.KI - Velocity Loop Integral Gain and VL.KP - Velocity Loop Proportional Gain6 ), use:

  • VL.KP of 0.100 that yielded a system gain of -20 dB

  • VL.KI of 10.000 that yielded system gain of +3 dB at 10 Hz phase decrease of -45 degrees at 10 Hz

  • PL.KP of 62.28 that yielded a system gain of +3 dB at 10 Hz phase decrease of -45 degrees at 10 Hz

Added together, a system gain of -20 dB at high frequencies is achieved, with low frequencies increasing in gain with +6 dB at 10 hz, and a phase of -90 degrees at 10 Hz