Function BlockMC_RemAxisFromGrpPLCopen motion iconPipe Network motion icon


MC_RemAxisFromGrp removes a single axis from a group. This function block can be issued in the group states: (GroupDisabled, GroupStandby, or GroupErrorStop). The group’s state will change to GroupDisabled if the axis removed is the last valid axis in the group. This function block does not cause any motion.

  • MC_RemAxisFromGrp will fail if the group is in any state other than GroupStandby or GroupDisabled.

    Refer to Group State Diagrams for details.

Figure 7-161: MC_RemAxisFromGrp

Related Functions

MC_AddAxisToGrp, MC_UngroupAllAxes, MC_ErrorDescription

Coordinated Motion, the top-level topic for Coordinated Motion.



Execute Description On the rising edgeClosedA rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge, request to remove an axis from the group
  Data type BOOL
  Range 0, 1
  Unit N/A
AxesGroupRef Description The axis group from which the axis will be removed
  Data type AXIS_GROUP_REF
  Range N/A
  Unit N/A
IdentInGroup Description

The zero-based index of the axis in the group.

  • The axis index in the group must contain a valid axis
  • The index must be less than the maximum number of axes the group can contain. MaxNumberOfAxes is a property of the axes group and is set when the group is created.
  Data type UINT
  Range [0, MaxNumberOfAxes - 1]
  Unit N/A


Done Description If True, then the command completed successfully.
  Data type BOOL
Error Description If True, an error has occurred.
  Data type BOOL
ErrorID Description Indicates the error identifier if Error output is set to True. See the table in PLCopen Function Block ErrorID Output.
  Data type INT



(* Inst_MC_InitAxisGrpST example *)
Inst_MC_RemAxisFromGrp( ExecuteRemAxisFromGrp, Group1_Ref, AxisId );


            BEGIN_ILClosed"Instruction list"
This is a low-level language and resembles assembly
CAL Inst_MC_RemAxisFromGrp( ExecuteRemAxisFromGrp, Group1_Ref, AxisId )



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