Motion Library - PMP

Name Description Return type
MLPmpAbs Moves to an Absolute Position BOOL
MLPmpForcePos Forces the specified position. Possible only when the block is not moving. BOOL
MLPmpInit Initializes a PMP object (Parabolic Motion Profile generator) with user-defined settings BOOL
MLPmpReadAccel Gets the Acceleration parameter of a PMP block None
MLPmpReadFstSpd Gets the FirstTravelSpeed parameter of a PMP block None
MLPmpReadInitPos Gets the InitialPosition parameter of a PMP block None
MLPmpReadJerk Gets the JerkClosedIn physics, jerk is the rate of change of acceleration; more precisely, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time parameter of a PMP block None
MLPmpReadLstSpd Gets the LastTravelSpeed parameter of a PMP block None
MLPmpRel Does two subsequent relative moves BOOL
MLPmpRun Jog the generator at the specified speed BOOL
MLPmpStatus Returns the status of the PMP block generator None
MLPmpWriteAccel Sets the acceleration parameter of a PMP block BOOL
MLPmpWriteFstSpd Sets the FirstTravelSpeed parameter of a PMP block BOOL
MLPmpWriteJerk Sets the jerkClosedIn physics, jerk is the rate of change of acceleration; more precisely, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time parameter of a PMP block BOOL
MLPmpWriteLstSpd Sets the LastTravelSpeed parameter of a PMP block BOOL