Function BlockTcpBinReceivePLCopen motion icon


This function block receives characters over a socket connection. It is possible that the number of characters actually received is less than the number expected. In that case, you will have to call this function again on the next cycle to receive the pending characters.

  • It is possible that the socket becomes invalid if an error occurs in the TCP connection after this function block is called. You must use the TcpIsValid function block after TcpSend. If the socket is no longer valid then you must close it by using the TcpClose function block.

Figure 7-208: The TcpBinReceive function block

Related Functions

TcpAccept, TcpBinSend, TcpClose, TcpConnect, TcpIsConnected, TcpIsValid, TcpListen, TcpReceive, TcpSend



Execute Description On the rising edgeClosedA rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge request to perform copying a file
  Data Type BOOL
  Range 0, 1
  Unit N/A
ID Description The ID of the client socket
  Data Type UDINT
  Range N/A
  Unit N/A
Data Description The array where the received data will be stored.
  Data Type USINT[]
  Range N/A
  Unit N/A
MaxChar Description The maximum number of bytes to receive
  Data Type DINT
  Range N/A
  Unit N/A


Done Description If TRUE, then the command completed successfully
  Data Type BOOL
Error Description If TRUE, an error has occurred
  Data Type BOOL
ErrorID Description Indicates the error if Error output is set to TRUE. See the table in Search IndexFile and TCP/IP Function Block ErrorID Output
  Data Type DINT
NbRcv Description The number of characters actually received
  Data Type DINT


Structured Text

(* TcpBinReceive example *)
CASE StepCounter OF
  Inst_TcpBinReceive(TRUE, MySocketID, MyDataArray, 256);
  StepCounter := StepCounter + 1;
  Inst_TcpBinReceive(TRUE, MySocketID, MyDataArray, 256);
  IF Inst_TcpBinReceive.Done THEN
     BytesReceived := Inst_TcpBinReceive.NbRcv;
     Inst_TcpBinReceive(FALSE, 0, MyDataArray, 0);
     StepCounter := StepCounter + 1;