
PLCopen motion icon Pipe Network motion icon

 FunctionClosed A function calculates a result according to the current value of its inputs. A function has no internal data and is not linked to declared instances.

This Function BlockClosed A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs. allows the application to create a cam profile that may be executed by a cam block in PipeNetwork or PLCopenClosed A vendor -and product- independent worldwide association active in Industrial Control and aiming at standardizing PLC file formats based on XML.

This Function Block will take input as cam data (see Cam Profile Editor's Cam Table for information) and profile properties from application data memory and compile the input data to a form the controller can use to calculate cam positions. The input cam data and profile properties are similar to the cam data entered in the IDEClosed "Integrated development environment" An integrated development environment is a type of computer software that assists computer programmers in developing software. IDEs normally consist of a source code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter, build-automation tools, and a debugger’s Cam Editor and the runtimeClosed In computer science, runtime (or run-time) describes the operation of a computer program, the duration of its execution, from beginning to termination (compare compile time). Within KAS, runtime also refers to the virtual machine that manage the program written in a computer language while it is running’s Cam Profile Properties dialog. MLProfileBuild internally perform two functions:

  1. Compile the cam data (like the cam editor performs in the IDE).
  2. Puts the compiled profile into the profile object so it can be used by other Profile Function Blocks (provides similar functionality to MLProfileInit).

  • Prior to using MLProfileBuild you must call MLProfileCreate to create the profile object. The ID output of MLProfileCreate is then used as the ProfileID input to MLProfileBuild. MLProfileCreate must be performed in the application before the MLMotionStart command is executed.

MLProfileBuild will compile the cam profile data specified at the CamData input and write the resulting profile to the CAM Profile object specified at input ProfileID. The created profile can then be used as an input to PLCopen Cam Function Blocks (MC_CamTblSelect, MC_CamIn, MC_CamOut), or any Pipe network Cam Profile Function/Function Blocks. When the operation is complete, the Done output will go high. If an error is encountered, the Error output will go high and the ErrorID output will return a error code. If the Error can be attributed to a specific profile element in the CamData array, ErrorElem will attempt to indicate the element in error.

CamProps_Ref Structure

The cam properties structure (CamProps_Ref) will contain the following data members:

Parameter Type Description
InputScale LREAL The input amplitude or master axis multiplier applied to the CAM profile
OutputScale LREAL The output amplitude or slave axis multiplier applied to the CAM profile
InputOffset LREAL input offset or master axis shift applied to the CAM profile
OutputOffset LREAL The output offset or slave axis shift applied to the CAM profile

See Master/Input offset for more information about the parameters which transform the cam profile.

CamData_Ref Structure

The Cam_Data function block input will be an array of CamData_Ref structures. Each element of the structure will contain the following data members:

Parameter Type Description
MasterIn LREAL master position (in the unit range [0 - InputScale])
SlaveOut LREAL slave position (in the unit range [0 - OutputScale])
SegType UINT

Defines the segment type for the segment following the master positions defined by MasterIn.

  1. CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_POINT = Point 5th order polynomial)
  2. CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_LINE = Line (constant velocity segment)
  3. CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC = Parabolic (constant acceleration)

See Cam Profile Segment Overview for information on the segment types.

Vel LREAL Cam velocity at the master position specified by MasterIn. Units: (slave position user units) / (master position user units)


Accel represents the cam acceleration at the master position specified by MasterIn. Units: (slave position user units) / (master position user units)


Accel is ignored.

The type of the Nth cam segment is defined by the Nth Cam_Data element. Since the cam will be constructed with one les segment than the Cam_Data elements, the last element's SegType will not be used.

See Cam Profile Editor's Cam Table for more information.




Description Enable execution. Starts on rising edgeClosed A rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge.
  Data Type BOOL


Description Structures containing the cam profile properties
Data Type CamProps_ref


Description Array of structures containing the cam profile data
Data Type CamData_ref
Range N=3 to 20,000 elements
Default 3 elements minimum size


Description Number of elements in the Cam_Data array to be used.
Data Type UINT
Range 3 - 20,000
Unit elements
Default 3


Description ID number of a created CAM Profile
Data Type DINT
Range [-2147483648, 2147483648]
Unit N/A
Default --


Description False:  one time through the profile; True: repeating profile
Data Type BOOL
Range 0-1 (FALSE/TRUE)


Description Describes the combinations of segments that may be used to build a cam profile.
Data Type UINT
Range CAM_PROFILE_OPTION_DEFAULT: Allows the use of point and line segments.
CAM_PROFILE_OPTION_PARABOLIC: Allows the use of line and parabolic segments.

  • The DEFAULT and PARABOLIC options cannot be combined. A cam profile can only use point and line segments, or parabolic and line segments. Point and parabolic segments cannot both be used in the same profile.



Description Indication of whether or not the profile was successfully compiled and built.
Data Type BOOL
Range 0-1 (FALSE/TRUE)


Description Indication that the function block is executing. TRUE if executing. False if not executing.
Data Type BOOL
Range 0-1 (FALSE/TRUE)


Description Indication that the function did not execute correctly. ErrorID output will be valid and indicate the reason.
Data Type BOOL
Range 0-1 (FALSE/TRUE)


Description Indication of the reason for the failure to execute properly. See Error Codes table.
Data Type INT


Description The array element number of the cam data where an error is detected
Data Type UINT

Error Codes

  • If Cyclic is TRUE and the Vel/Accel of the first and last elements do not match, MLProfileBuild will automatically copy the first element's vel/accel to the last element's. A LOG warning message will be posted indicating that this change has occurred.

ErrorID Description
100 Cam_Data array does not have CamDataCount elements. The Cam_Data array is not large enough to hold the specified number of elements.
101 Invalid master or slave scale. The scale cannot be less than zero.
102 Element master or slave position is outside the range defined by Cam_Props.
103 A segment type was specified that is not supported by the value of the Options argument.
104 Master position of an element is too close to the master position of a previous element. 0.0000125 * InputScale (see "CamProps_Ref Structure") is the minimum distance allowed.. Each element is compared to all previous elements. If the master distance between any two elements in the list are too close, this error will be generated.
106 Invalid profile ID. This can occur if the profile ID:
  1. does not exist
  2. has not been created yet
  3. profile ID is not a profile
107 CamDataCount exceeds maximum array size of 20,000.
108 Profile is currently in use.
109 Attempting to build a profile already containing elements. Profile needs to be released first using MLProfileRelease.
110 The controller is running low on memory and could not allocate memory to hold the cam table data.
111 CamDataCount is not large enough. The minimum allowed value is 3.
112 For CAM_PROFILE_OPTION_PARABOLIC:  Elements are not sorted in increasing order by master position. After the first elelment, each element must have its master position be greater than the master position of the previous element.
113 For CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC: The average velocity for the segment is outside of range defined by start and end element velocities.
The following diagram illustrates the valid range for the average velocity.
200 First element's MasterIn value not equal to zero.
201 Last element's MasterIn value does not equal value of X-amplitude.
202 Cannot modify the first element in the cam element table. SlaveOut value is outside the output range specified by Cam_Props.
203 Cannot modify the last element in the cam element table. SlaveOut value is outside the output range specified by Cam_Props.

Related Functions

See Also

Example of How to Use MLProfileBuild

Prior to using MLProfileBuild you must first create a profile. This must be done prior to MLMotionStart.

            // Allocate space for a profile that will be built later
profileID := MLProfileCreate('ProfileName');

Next you need to define your profile data. This is done by creating an array of CamData_Ref structures in the data dictionary and then entering each of your elements into that newly created structure. In this example ProfileData is the name of the CamData_Ref structure.

            // Define the profile data
ProfileData[0].MasterIn := 0.0;
ProfileData[0].SlaveOut := 180.0;
ProfileData[0].SegType := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_POINT;
ProfileData[0].Velocity := 0.0;
ProfileData[0].Acceleration := 0.0;

ProfileData[1].MasterIn := 180.0;
ProfileData[1].SlaveOut := 324.0;
ProfileData[1].SegType := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_POINT;
ProfileData[1].Velocity := 0.5;
ProfileData[1].Acceleration := -0.025;

ProfileData[2].MasterIn := 360.0;
ProfileData[2].SlaveOut := 240.0;
ProfileData[2].SegType := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_POINT;
ProfileData[2].Velocity := 0.0;
ProfileData[2].Acceleration := 0.0;

Now you need to define your profile properties. This is done by creating a CamProps_Ref structure in the data dictionary and then entering each of the properties into the newly created structure. In this example ProfileProps is the name of the CamProps_Ref structure.

            // Define the profile properties
ProfileProps.InputScale := 360.0;  // Must be Positive!
ProfileProps.OutputScale := 360.0; // Must be Positive!
ProfileProps.InputOffset := 0.0;
ProfileProps.OutputOffset := 0.0;

Next call the MLProfileBuild Function Block in the IECClosed "International Electrotechnical Commission" IEC is a not-for-profit, non-governmental international standards organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies language of choice. As part of this call it is recommended that you validate the Done and Error output before proceeding.

            // Build the profile
Inst_MLProfileBuild( TRUE, ProfileProps, ProfileData, 3, ProfileID, TRUE, CAM_PROFILE_OPTION_DEFAULT);

Finally, after verifying that MLProfileBuild is Done and there are no errors, you can proceed and use the newly generated profile. The next step depends on the motion engine in use.

            // Switch Pipe Network Profile
MLPrfWriteIScale(profileID, ProfileProps.InputScale);
MLPrfWriteOScale(profileID, ProfileProps.OutputScale);
MLPrfWriteIOffset(profileID, ProfileProps.InputOffset);
MLPrfWriteOOffset(profileID, ProfileProps.OutputOffset);
MLCamSwitch(PipeNetwork.CAM, profileID);

Example of Building a Parabolic Cam Profile

In order to build a parabolic cam profile, your cam data elements must use CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC or CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_LINE when defining the cam data array:

            // Define the profile data
ProfileData[0].MasterIn     := 0.0;
ProfileData[0].SlaveOut     := 0.0;
ProfileData[0].SegType      := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC;
ProfileData[0].Velocity     := 0.0;
ProfileData[0].Acceleration := 0.5;

ProfileData[1].MasterIn     := 50.0;
ProfileData[1].SlaveOut     := 150.0;
ProfileData[1].SegType      := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_LINE;
ProfileData[1].Velocity     := 5.0;
ProfileData[1].Acceleration := 0.0;		// Not used

ProfileData[2].MasterIn     := 55.0;
ProfileData[2].SlaveOut     := 175.0;
ProfileData[2].SegType      := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC;
ProfileData[2].Velocity     := 5.0;
ProfileData[2].Acceleration := 0.0;		// No limit to the acceleration rate of the segment.

ProfileData[3].MasterIn     := 105.0;
ProfileData[3].SlaveOut     := 250.0;
ProfileData[3].SegType      := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC;
ProfileData[3].Velocity     := 0.0;
ProfileData[3].Acceleration := 0.5;

ProfileData[4].MasterIn     := 225.0;
ProfileData[4].SlaveOut     := 125.0;
ProfileData[4].SegType      := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC;
ProfileData[4].Velocity     := -10.0;
ProfileData[4].Acceleration := 0.5;

ProfileData[5].MasterIn     := 360.0;
ProfileData[5].SlaveOut     := 0.0;
ProfileData[5].SegType      := CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARABOLIC;	// Not used
ProfileData[5].Velocity     := 0.0;
ProfileData[5].Acceleration := 0.0;		// Not used

When calling the MLProfileBuild function block, make sure CAM_PROFILE_OPTION_PARABOLIC is specified for the Option argument: in the IEC language of choice. As part of this call it is recommended that you validate the Done and Error output before proceeding.

// Build the profile
Inst_MLProfileBuild( TRUE, ProfileProps, ProfileData, 3, ProfileID, TRUE, CAM_PROFILE_OPTION_PARABOLIC);

Code Examples

Structured Text:

            // Build the profile
Inst_MLProfileBuild( TRUE, ProfileProps, ProfileData, 3, ProfileID, TRUE, CAM_PROFILE_OPTION_DEFAULT);

Function Block Diagram:

Ladder Diagram:

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