Function Block A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs. - Makes the transition from the state GroupErrorStop to GroupStandby by resetting all internal group-related errors.
Input |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Default |
Description |
Execute |
0, 1 |
N/A |
No default |
On the rising edge A rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge, resets group-related errors and all of the axes in the group. |
AxesGroup |
No range |
N/A |
No default |
The axes group the axes are reset in. |
Output |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Description |
Done |
No range |
N/A |
If TRUE, the command completed successfully. |
Busy |
No range |
N/A |
If TRUE, the FB is executing. |
Error |
No range |
N/A |
If TRUE, an error has occurred. |
ErrorID |
No range |
N/A |
Indicates the error if Error output is TRUE. See the table in PLCopen Function Block ErrorIDs. |
- This function block starts a motion-related action and stores data for calculations and error checking.
See Call Function Blocks Multiple Times in the Same Cycle if using a dual-core controller.
- See Coordinated Motion, the top-level topic for Coordinated Motion.
- See Function Blocks - General Rules for more information about how inputs and outputs work.
- This function or function block does not generate any motion.
- This function block:
- Does not affect the output of the FB instances.
- Resets axis errors and drive faults for each axis in the group.
Figure 6-122: MC_GrpReset
FBD Language Example
FFLD Language Example
IL Language Example
BEGIN_IL "Instruction List" This is a low-level language and resembles assembly
CAL Inst_MC_GrpReset ( EnableReset, Group1_Ref )
ST Language Example
Inst_MC_GrpReset ( EnableReset, Group1_Ref );
See Also