
The step-by-step debugging feature is enabled by setting breakpoints in the source code of the application.

  • Breakpoints are a marker that is set in code which, when reached, stops the code's execution at that location. This lets you run one step further in the program with stepping commands.

    • Pausing a program does not interrupt the current VM cycle.
      The current cycle finishes and execution is paused before the beginning of the next VM cycle.

  • Breakpoints are shown as a red circle (dark or light) in the left margin.
  • Breakpoints may be active () or inactive ().
  • Breakpoints are active only when the IDEClosed "Integrated development environment" An integrated development environment is a type of computer software that assists computer programmers in developing software. IDEs normally consist of a source code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter, build-automation tools, and a debugger is connected to a target running an application that is compiled from the exact code displayed in the editor.
  • Breakpoints are inactive if the IDE is:
    • not connected to a target.
    • connected but not running.
    • connected to a different version of the code.
    • connected to the code but a modification has been made in Edit mode.
  • Breakpoints will always be applied to the target, based on their position in the editor. If a breakpoint is moved in the editor, then you reconnect to a target, the breakpoint in the target will be moved to the new position.
  • A Breakpoint that has been "hit" has a yellow triangle ( and ) to indicate it has been reached in the code.
  • Breakpoints are saved when saving the KAS application and are reloaded when loading a KAS application.
  • See Setting, Removing, Enabling, and Disabling Breakpoints for information on working with breakpoints.
  • See Breakpoints tab for information on the Breakpoints tab in the Information and Logs widget.
  • Projects support a maximum of 16 breakpoints. This includes both enabled and disabled breakpoints.

Online Change

  • The breakpoints are not activated synchronously but in a reasonable time.

  • All breakpoints become inactive when an Online Change is reverted.