Configure the Controller

The controller is configured using the Controller Properties dialog box.

Configure the Controller


  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the new controller to open the menu and click Properties.
  2. Choose the Controller Type.
  3. Define the IP Address.
  4. Optional: Specify a version number (the string can be composed of any character).

    • Versioning is useful to make improvements to the application and if a version control system is needed.
      The version is saved in your project file.
      See Use a Version Control System for more information.

  5. Optional: Choose whether the project's source code should be downloaded to the controller.
    This is enabled by default and your preference is saved with the project.
    Disabling this option means a comparison of source on the controller and in the IDE is not available.
  6. Optional: Choose whether PLC variables are read/written via an HTTP connection.
    This requires that the source be downloaded to the controller.
    By default this option is disabled so unauthorized changes may not be made.

    • Recompile the project before downloading it to the controller.

  7. Select whether ModbusClosed ModBus is a serial communications protocol and is now the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. ModBus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Versions of the ModBus protocol exist for serial port and Ethernet (it is widely used with TCP/IP over Ethernet) goes to a KVB Panel or is handled by another Modbus device.
  8. Set the Cycle Time (i.e., the communication update frequency).
    See Modbus Slave for more information.
  9. Click OK.