SFC Steps

A step represents a stable state.

  • Select a step, transition, or jump and press Ctrl+ENTER to change its number.

All actions linked to the steps are executed according to the activity of the step.

Inactive Step Active Step


In conditions and actions of the SFC program, you can test the step activity by specifying its name (GS plus the step number) followed by .X.



Is TRUE if step 100 is active.

Expression has the BOOL data type.

You can test the activity time of a step, by specifying the step name followed by .T.

  • It is the time elapsed since the activation of the step.
  • When the step is deactivated, this time remains unchanged.
    • It will be reset to 0 on the next step activation.



Is the time elapsed since step 100 was activated.

Expression has the TIME data type.

Initial Steps

Initial steps represent the initial situation of the chart when the program is started.

  • There must be at least one initial step in each SFC chart.
  • An initial step is marked with a double line: