Blending Between Moves

Some Coordinated Motion function blocks have a BufferMode input parameter.

Buffer modes include:

  • BM_ABORTING = 0 = Aborting
  • BM_BUFFERED = 1 = Buffered
  • BM_BLENDING_PREVIOUS = 2 = Blending Previous
  • BM_BLENDING_NEXT = 3 = Blending Next
  • BM_BLENDING_LOW = 4 = Blending Low
  • BM_BLENDING_HIGH = 5 = Blending High

When the current and next motion function blocks are blended (2 through 5), the axes group does not stop between motions.

  • The velocity is blended according to the specified blending mode.
  • The function block's TransitionMode parameter can be set to provide a smooth circular arc between moves.
  • See Transition Between Moves.

Buffer Mode




In the image, the second function block starts execution at Point A.

  • The current move stops execution immediately.
  • The next move becomes active and begins to accelerate or decelerate from the current velocity to its programmed velocity.


In the image, the second function block starts execution at Point A.

The velocity is blended to the highest velocity of the two moves.

  • If the current move’s velocity is higher than the next move’s velocity, Blending Previous is used.
  • If the next move’s velocity is higher than the current move’s velocity, Blending Next is used.


In the image, the second function block starts execution at Point A.

The velocity is blended to the lowest velocity of the two moves.

  • If the current move’s velocity is lower than the next move’s velocity, Blending Previous is used.
  • If the next move’s velocity is lower than the current move’s velocity, Blending Next is used.


In the image, the second function block starts execution at Point A.

The current move begins to accelerate or decelerate so that it reaches the next move's programmed velocity at the time the current move reaches its endpoint.


In the image, the second function block starts execution at Point A.

  • The current move stays at its programmed velocity to its endpoint.
  • When the current move reaches its endpoint, the next move becomes active and begins to accelerate or decelerate to its programmed velocity.


In the image, the second function block starts execution at Point A.

  • The current move completes as was originally specified, coming to a stop.
  • When the current move reaches its endpoint, the next move becomes active and begins to accelerate to its programmed velocity.