EtherCAT Features

EtherCAT is characterized by outstanding performance, very simple wiring, and openness to other protocols. EtherCAT sets new standards where conventional fieldbus systems reach their limits:

  • 1000 I/Os in 30 µs.
  • Optionally twisted-pair cable or optical fiber.
  • Optimum vertical integration (thanks to Ethernet and Internet technologies).

With EtherCAT, the costly Ethernet star topology is replaced with a simple line structure - no expensive infrastructure components are required.

  • Optionally, EtherCAT can be wired in the classic way using switches, to integrate other Ethernet devices.
  • Where other real-time Ethernet approaches require special connections in the controller, for EtherCAT, very cost-effective standard Ethernet cards suffice.

EtherCAT is Versatile

These communication connections are supported (see image):

  • Master to Master
  • Master to Slave
  • Slave to Slave

Versatile network architecture

Figure 1: Versatile Network Architecture

Safety over EtherCAT is Available

  • EtherCAT makes Ethernet down to the I/O level technically feasible and economically sensible.
  • Outstanding features of this network include:
    • Full Ethernet compatibility.
    • Internet technologies (even in simple devices).
    • Maximum utilization of the large bandwidth offered by Ethernet.
    • Outstanding real-time characteristics at low costs.