Behavior of Done Output

The Done output (as well as InGear, InSync) is set when the commanded action has been completed successfully.

  • With multiple function blocks working on the same axis in a sequence, this applies:
    • When one movement on an axis is interrupted with another movement on the same axis without having reached the final goal, Done of the first function block is not set.

When a motion command is executed, these are the possible outcomes:

  • It completes successfully.
    • At that time, the Done output goes high.
  • It is aborted prior to completing by a subsequent motion command.
    • At that time, the CommandAborted output goes high.
  • It encounters an error prior to completing or an invalid input is specified.
    • At that time, the Error output goes high.

These outputs stay in this state until that motion function block is executed again.

At that time, the Done, CommandAborted and Error outputs goes low and the Busy output goes high, provided all the inputs are valid.