Re-Scan and Change Device/Module Associations

Device or module associations must be updated after the following actions.

  • Changing the physical network topology by adding, moving, or removing modules attached to an EtherCAT modular device.
  • Changing the associations between a physical module and a project module.

To update the associations:

  1. Re-scan and re-discover the physical network topology.
  2. Click the Modify button to expand the Discovered Devices and Modules view.
  3. Drag-and-drop the project coupler and/or slice(s) to associate them with the physical couplers/slices.

  • After changing the association of an EtherCAT device, you have to recompile the project and download this new version to save your modifications on the target.

  • A MDP device’s configurable properties (PDO selections/content, PLC variable maps, and CoE Init-Commands) are determined by the modules under the device. The default values for the device’s configuration are determined from the ESI file.

    The device’s configuration can be modified from the KAS-IDE EtherCAT device configuration tabs. Although the project modules cannot be configured directly, they can be associated with Physical modules by dragging-and-dropping them in the Discovered Devices and Modules view.

    When a project module is associated with a Physical module, its configuration (PDO selections/content, PLC variable maps, and CoE Init-Commands) is automatically updated at the device level. The order of the modules under the device, is determined by order the Physical modules are discovered. The order of CoE Init-Commands also follows the order of the Physical modules. This includes any user specified CoE Init-Commands.

    It is recommended to check the CoE Init-Command ordering after changing module associations, to verify it still meets any user-specific ordering requirements.

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